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Sians Pov-
" sooooo guess what's coming up soon " I beamed, hugging harvey from behind and resting my head on his back as he throws his books into his locker.
" Hmm let me guess prom? " he smiles turning round to face me and peck me on the lips.
" how did you know? " I laugh interlocking our fingers.
" because you haven't shut up about it for the past 2 weeks " he smiles leading me into our first lesson, music.
College has been good so far, the lessons have been relatively easy, the people are kinder than high school kids, everyone seems to be getting along, and life has been good for a change.
" take your seats Mr and Mrs Cantwell we haven't got all day " Mr Cook grumbles. I blush at his remark and sit down next to harv.
I take out my music book and dot a few notes down.
" so how does dress shopping sound? " I giggle.
" not good " harv groans leaning back in his chair.
I roll my eyes and carry on writing,
I'll have to ask one of the girls instead, besides boys are awful at picking dresses. I guess a girly day is on the cards then.
" orange or blue " I giggle holding two dresses, one in each hand.
" blue definetly " erin smiles.
" no orange " grace snaps.
" I don't like either of them " hannah shrugs.
" wow thanks for the help " I laugh placing both the dresses down.
" what do yous think? " chloe says coming out of the changing rooms in a long, flowy, auburn colour dress. It had traces of beads running around the bottom, and jewels covering the top half of the dress, the dress perfectly matched her long blonde hair and hazel eyes, she looked beautiful, and Kyle would be head over heels.
" chloe you look beautiful, kyle will love it " I smile. She returns the smile and spins around in her dress feeling like a princess.
" this is stress I don't know what to wear " grace shouts flinging the dresses around and earning glares from the shopkeeper.
" what about this one " erin suggests holding up a long, body hugging, black laced prom dress.
" I actually like it " grace laughs holding it up. We all laugh and carry on rummaging for the perfect prom dress.
I look through all the dresses until one in-particular catches my gaze.
A long, light pink, silk dress lays before me and I can't help but stare at it. It was long and elegant, jewels encrusting the rims. the fabric was soft and the dress it's self was angelic. I couldn't help but smile, this was the last prom of my lifetime and it was going to be perfect, and now I have the perfect boyfriend, and the perfect dress which makes it even better.

So this story is coming to an end now and the next chapter will be the ending, I hope you've enjoyed it so far and I'm going to be writing another fanfic soon, so comment your ideas x

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