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Hey sorry I haven't updated in a while but I've been busy-
Hannahs Pov-
" no josh stop please " I laughed trying to catch my breathe he knows my ticklish spot and it's the worst thing ever!
" no it's to funny " josh says in between giggles making me laugh more.
Me and Josh have grew quite close over the past 4 weeks, it's been nice to have a friend to talk to who's a boy. Ive only really ever had Nicky to depend on but with him out my life I feel free.
" josh stop seriously " I laugh trying to hide the massive grin appearing on my face.
" fine I give in " josh laughs sitting down next to me.
" why is your house so cold " josh mumbles resting his head on his knees and rocking back and forth.
" stop complaining josh just get a blanket " I say slightly sarcastic.
Josh pouts at me then follows my commands and retrieves my pink fluffy blanket from the floor.
" pink is yucky " josh says sticking his tongue out like a 3 year old.
" your yucky " I laugh grabbing the blanket off him and bringing it up to my face.
" Oh Hannah we all know you want me " josh smirks.
I felt my cheeks flush.
It's strange how someone can have that effect on you.
Catch you off guard all the time.
Make you embarrassed.
Then angry.
Then smile because they say something cute.
It's weird how someone can effect your emotions so much.
Josh definitely effected mine, for the better.
I like him. I like him a lot.
" like who? " josh asks his gaze glued to the tv screen.
Shit did I say that outloud?
" like who what " I babble trying to cover up my previous words.
Josh rolls his eyes and carries on watching the TV screen.
I giggle and get out my phone and scroll through facebook.
" I'm bored " he murmurs turning off the TV and lounging on me.
" ugh josh get off you heavy lump " I shout making him laugh, and challenge me more by pressing himself down on me and adding weight.
" you twat " I spit.
" you love me " he smirks making my face burn up again.
" I don't " I mumble blocking out the fact that I'm blushing madly.
" say you don't love me " josh challenges making me sigh.
" get off kyle your crushing me " I giggle.
" seriously you still don't know the difference? " josh laughs seeming a little offended.
" nope your clones " I laugh making josh pout and move away from me.
" aw is liccle josh annoyed " I tease receiving glares from josh.
" I'll tickle you again " he challenges.
" okay I'm sorry just don't touch my hips or I'll smack you " I shout.
" I'll think about it " josh winks.
Hannahs Pov-
" I'm glad we got out your house the park is so much better " josh smiles admiring the nature around him.
" my house is offended " I pout.
Josh chuckles and turns back to the yellow daffodil he'd been admiring for quite a while now.
" for you " he says handing me it.
" why did you give me a daffodil " I laugh confused to why he gave me a flower from the ground.
" because it reminds me of you " josh smiles innocently.
" why because it's pretty " I tease.
" no because it stinks " josh laughs clearly amused with himself.
" thanks for that " I giggle punching him in the stomach.
" whatever lets go sit over there "
We walk over to a small but long brown bench and set out our picnic.
" the sun is so hot today " josh grumbles cursing at the sun.
" the sun tends to be hot josh " i sarcastically say sitting down opposite him on the shady side of the bench under the trees.
" I love the summer I just don't like the sun " josh smiles biting into a fresh red apple.
" because that makes so much sense " I smile looking at his glossy lips as they bite into the apple.
" what? " josh asks smirking.
" nothing I wasn't looking at anything " I lie, embarrassed that I let myself stare for so long.
" yeah like this makes sense.. " josh laughs looking down at his apple.
What did he mean?
" what? haha " I laugh unsure of how to react.
" well I mean, like we've known eachother a long time now and we've grown so close don't you think it's weird " josh questions averting his gaze to mine.
" what's weird? "
" that we haven't.. You know. "
" that we haven't what.. "
" kissed.. Don't you ever think about it? " josh says chocking a little on his words.
Of course I think about it..
I wanted to kiss Josh..
Id be lying if I said I didn't..
But I value our friendship to much..
I don't want to lose him..
Some things just aren't meant to happen straight away..
Friendship works in mysterious ways..
Of course I have feelings for him..
But I can't risk hurting if he doesn't have them back..
" best friends don't kiss " I smile.
" oh.. yeah ha " josh says awkwardly.
We sit in silence for a while before his gaze meets mine and we both smile.
I examine his beautiful face, his flawless features, taking in everything.
His brown hair, to his chocolate eyes, to his flawless tanned skin, and his cute freckles in the corner of his left cheek..
" freckles " I smile pointing at his cheek.
" what " josh laughs.
" that's the difference between you and Kyle you have freckles " I giggle slightly embarrassed that I pointed that out.
Josh smiles and brings my hands to his lips placing a kiss on my skin.
" freckles " he whispers.

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