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This chapter is mainly based on Gailey (Grace and Bailey) ^ pic above. Bailey has a crush on Grace:p
Baileys Pov-
I woke up with grace tangled in my arms. I liked her there, I didn't feel bad for kyle even though he is my friend he brought it on himself. He doesn't deserve her. Grace was already awake and staring into nothingness.
Hey.. I said unsure of how she'd react.
Hi. She said smiling which made me feel less anxious. I've never really had a proper crush before I usually just get anyone i want so I'm not sure how to control my feelings.
Do you remember last night? Grace smiled.
Yeah, I'm taking you on a date so I'll pick you up at 7;)
What shall I wear!!
Nothing? Grace laughed.
You said nothing:')
Oh!! Um.. I mean wear clothes. Yeah.
I blushed red. Did I actually just say that damn.
Okay:') Grace giggled.
See you later. I said walking out the door. How embarrassing!
Graces Pov-
Bailey stayed the night with me which was really cute. He was still asleep I realised he was meant to be going home with sian so I texted her.
G- hey lol
S- hi omg hangover weres Bailey
G- my couch
S- what omfg hahahaha
G- he stayed with me last night I think I like him:)
S- Ew yous didnt did you
G- what lol no!
S- okay:')
G- he did tell me to come naked to our date tho
S- omg wow he must be nervous.
G- he's cute
S- awe made up for you. What about kyle?
G- that cheating bastard is lucky I didn't chop his balls off.
S- agreed. We will make sure everyone knows he's a dick.
G- yay:)
Me and Sian's texts were so weird:') but funny.
I still love kyle but he's hurt me so much and Bailey was there to pick up the pieces. But I always end up going back to kyle.. And it kills me because it's not the first time he's kissed someone else, but I can't help it he's like poison. But poison im addicted to.
I'm glad Bailey could take my mind off him for the night. I texted him.
G- hey can't wait for tonight:)x
B- me to:)<3
A heart Oo.
G- <3 <3 <3 <3
Grace seriously calm it with the hearts.
B-:') <3<3<3 cute
G- lol <3 xo
My texts are so weird wow.
Baileys Pov-
I realised I'd sort of abandoned sian so I text her.
B- forgive me?:)<3
S- dick:')<3
B- you no I love you lol<3
S- you to:) aren't you picking her up at 7 best get ready you mong:') tick tock<3
I checked the time 6:30! Crap! I need to get ready. I styled my hair and put on my white top, jeans and boots. I sprayed million on myself hoping it would impress Grace.
I left and knocked on her door.
Hello? A women answered the door.
I got extremely nervous. This must be her mum.
Hi, is Grace there? I smiled trying to keep calm.
Yeah hi I'm nicky. You must be Bailey?
Yeah nice to meet you:)
Aw aren't you cute! She smiled. Grace baileys here!
G- coming!
Grace came to the door she looked perfect. She looks perfect in everything she wears. She had a white blouse on and black skinnies and timberlands.
You look gorgeous. I blurted out.
Thanks she laughed.
I grabbed her hand and we said by to nicky before walking down the road. We're are we going? She asked me.
Your perfect date:)
Wow really?:)
I leaned down and she hopped onto my back, I walked piggy backing her to Nandos which was close to my house as its my fave restaurant.
G- nandos:))
We walked in and sat at table 2. I ordered plain chicken, and Grace ordered the same. It was weird how we liked the exact same food.
Grace Pov-
Bailey was taking me to nandos! How cute! He piggy backed me to nandos and we sat at table 2 we giggled because there was 2 of us at table 2 not really funny but we have the same humour:') we ordered the same food and the night went really fast! He's so down to earth and kind. He told me about his life and I told him about mine. We finished eating and i insisted on paying but Bailey wouldn't let me.
Baileys Pov-
Come on I have something to show you:) I whispered to Grace as we headed out holding hands. The night was dark and it was perfect. The stars were clear and beautiful so I decided to mix up both of our ideal dates. She didn't no but I had my brother Brandon drop my guitar off so i could sing to Grace.
Were are we going? Grace laughed as I dragged her into a field.
Close your eyes.
Trust me.
I trust you.
We sat down in the field under the stars and I got out my guitar.
I took a deep breathe and began to sing a song that means a lot to me and explains the situation..

Let me tell you a story about a girl and a boy he fell in love with his friend and when she's around he feels nothing but joy.""
Grace opened her eyes and looked at me.
But she was already broken.. And it made her blind because she could never believe that love would treat her right. Do you no I love you? Or are you not aware that your the smile on my face and it's going no were."
I'm here to make you happy and see you smile ive been wanting to tell you this for a while..''
I took a deep breathe..
What's going to make you fall in love? I know that you have your walls wrapped all the way around your heart but don't be scared at all.. You can't fly unless you let yourself fall"
I will catch you if you fall..
I will catch you if you fall..
I'll catch you if you fall, if you spread your wings you can fly away with me but you can't fly unless you let your, let yourself fall.. I strummed the last note before placing my guitar on the floor.
Bail- Omg no body has ever sung to me before.
There's a first for everything:)
I don't know what to say..
I really like you Grace.
I like you to:)
I looked down smiling.
Grace put her arms around my neck and moved closer to me are heads were touching.
That song it's my favourite:) she whispered.
It's mine to:)
Btw you smell nice.
I knew million would do the trick;)
I try:) i laughed.
Grace hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her waist and we gazed up at the stars before falling asleep in comfort of eachother. It was perfect.

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