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"Mom, please stop crying. I'll be fine."

"I'm sorry, Yoonie, it's j-just that I'm scared for you! What if someone runs you over on your way home? What if you get mugged? What if someone breaks in and steals all your food and money—"

"Mom, don't waste your time and tears worrying about your son who is already grown up and knows how to take care of himself." He takes both of her hands in his and squeezes them softly. "I'm going to be alright. Now won't you smile for me, Mom? I don't like seeing you sad."

Assured by his words and gestures, she manages to crack a small smile as she mostly stops crying, her son smiling wider upon seeing her expression. "Okay. You promise you'll call me and your dad and that you'll visit us often?"

"I'll call you everyday, I swear it. And of course I'll visit you."

"Talk to us when you have problems, got it? Don't bottle it all up."

"Yes, Mom. I got it." He playfully rolls his eyes, causing the woman in front of him to flick his forehead, which made him protest in pain.

"Ouch! Yah, what was that fo—"

"Don't roll your eyes at your mother, Yoongi. That's very rude."


"And do tell me if your roommate isn't treating you well, or even if it's anyone else. We'll come here and we'll put that person right and show them some manners."

"Mom, please, I'm not a little kid anymore. I can handle people being mean to me."

"Aigoo, my Yoongi bear really is all grown up now, isn't he?" She affectionately ruffles his mint green hair, making him whine in displeasure, mumbling about how he spent a lot of time trying to make his hair look good and now she'd ruined it just like that.

"Anyways, I need to go in now. I love you so much. Take care and stay safe."

"Oh, alright. One last hug for the road?" He laughs a bit, but wraps his arms around her anyway. She sniffles and says, "I love you, too. So, so much, and same goes for your father. You take care and stay safe, okay?" They pull away, and she kisses his cheek.

"Okay. I'll go in now. See you soon, Mom." He slowly retreats into the shared apartment unit.

"Yes, I suppose you will, sweetie." They wave at each other, and then he closes the door.

He turns and drags his two big and heavy bags inside, stopping short at the point where the hallway ends and opens into the living room. His eyes find the boy sitting on the couch, wearing earphones and humming serenely while he quietly reads the book in his hands, occasionally turning the page. Yoongi's eyebrows raise in question at the sight of the unfamiliar boy and he walks a bit closer to him.

Sensing that he's being watched, the male looks up and meets his gaze, slowly removing his earphones. He's very handsome and is basically flawless; there's no doubt about that. Yoongi cocks his head to the side.

"Oh, are you my new roommate?" he asks in a friendly tone.

After a few seconds, the stranger says, "Yeah."

"So, when did you come in?" Yoongi asks again.

His broad shoulders lift in a casual shrug. "A couple days ago."

"I see. Hi, I'm Min Yoongi, your new roommate for the next few years. I hope we'll get along." He smiles brightly, exposing his gums, and extends a hand towards the boy, who stares at it for about two seconds before blinking and shaking it in his own. He doesn't smile back, though.

"I'm Kim Seokjin." He retracts his hand, and the silence is, to say the least, awkward.

"Well, uh, I'll get my stuff in my room now." He peers into the hallway where two doors face each other, one on each wall. "Uhm, which one is yours?"

"The one on the left."

"Alright. See you soon, I guess..." Yoongi trails off uncertainly. Seokjin nods once and continues reading his book, leaving the mint-haired boy to take his luggage into the room on the right side of the hallway. He hauls them in, then shuts the door. Feeling too lazy and uncaring to lock it, he instead flops on the plastic-covered mattress in the room, sighing.

He thinks about his new roommate, Seokjin. He seems reserved, cold, even. He wonders whether it's just a first impression kind of thing (who knows, maybe he's experiencing a mood swing) or if he's always like that. Yoongi really wishes it's the former and that he's actually more bubbly then he looks. But if that's not the case, then these next few years in college would definitely be lonely and sad compared to his energetic and happy times in high school.

Yoongi sighs again, hoping luck is on his side as he gets up and starts to unpack.


yes hello welcome to yet another one of my yoonjin books lmao i'll just never get tired of them and that's a fact

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