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After the first week of college, Yoongi finds out that it wasn't a first impression kind of thing and that Kim Seokjin is always cold, and not just to him, either.

"Seokjin? Yeah, don't even bother. He's handsome, but he's a downright snobber. He only talks to you if you address him directly, and even then, he keeps the conversation as short as possible. He's got literally no friends, but that doesn't seem to bother him."

That's what Jung Hoseok, Yoongi's seatmate who now became his friend, says when he asks the sunny male what he thinks about Seokjin. Hoseok had been Seokjin's schoolmate when they were in high school, and as he had told Yoongi, he got his information from an old friend of his who had been Seokjin's classmate.

They sit in the busy cafeteria during lunch, eating their food in between conversing with each other. Yoongi had brought up the topic of Seokjin because he noticed the said male eating alone on the table situated in the farthest corner of the room, and he'd observed the past few days that he's always distant from everyone. In their short time as roommates, Yoongi had also noted that Seokjin had barely initiated a conversation with him, and even in those moments, it was only to inform him of something briefly. It's almost like he's forced to talk to him when he does.

"But doesn't he get lonely? He must want some company every now and then. What about group projects or pair works, that sort of thing?"

"Lonely?" Hoseok chuckles. "It looks like that's not in his vocabulary. If he does get lonely, he's very good at hiding it. As for company, well, by the way he acts, I'm pretty sure he doesn't care for that, too. And the friend of mine that I told you about was in a group project with him once, so he told me all about the guy because he kinda pissed him off.

Apparently, Seokjin waited for their leader to assign a task to him, and then he did it immediately and gave us his work as soon as he finished. When they presented it, he only spoke when his part came, and he didn't talk to them at all during and after the process, even when the rest of their group was so happy after they learned that they got the highest grade in their class. He didn't suggest anything or give any comments either. They had wanted to celebrate after school that day, because it was a major presentation that had turned out to be a huge success, but when they invited him, he politely declined." He huffs and shakes his head, letting his red bangs fall messily in front of his eyes. "In short, Kim Seokjin really doesn't like social interactions. At least he's kinda nice in the rare occasion that he does mingle with others, I guess."

Yoongi hums, swallowing a bite of his food. "Okay," he simply replies.

"Anyways, why are you so curious? You don't like him or anything, do you?" Hoseok jabs his chopsticks at him almost accusingly, as if Yoongi liking Seokjin would be the most unbelievable thing in the world and he'd be heavily judged for it.

"No, I don't. He's my roommate. I just want to know him better since he seemed like the cold type from the start. Guess he really is, huh?"

"Yeah. Good luck being his roommate, though. Hope you can tolerate him." With another good-natured laugh, Hoseok stands and tells Yoongi he's going to go get more Sprite. Yoongi just nods and continues eating. When his gaze 'accidentally' wanders over to Seokjin's table, he unexpectedly locks eyes with him. However, the older (by one year, Seokjin mentioned) male quickly looks back down at his food. The mint-haired boy raises an eyebrow at this, but nonetheless, a small smile curves his lips up.

And right then and there, he decides that he won't stop until he has caused Kim Seokjin's cold demeanor to thaw out.

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