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A tired Yoongi slumps on the couch in their living room, bored out of his mind. He got dismissed early today, on the last day of the third week as their professor's reward for 'having done so well thus far.' He thinks about what he and Seokjin would have for dinner. The older male usually cooks their food, but he isn't home yet... What would he think if Yoongi took care of it now for a change?

Suddenly eager to carry out his idea, the mint-haired boy jumps up and goes to the fridge. He's about to open it when he remembers that he can't cook for his life anyway.

Sighing, he shrugs. "Pizza it is, then."

He sits back down on the couch and slips his phone out of his pocket, dialing a nearby pizza place and placing his order when they pick up.


Yoongi's just setting out the hot pizza on their dining table when he hears the door open again, indicating that Seokjin has arrived. Yoongi almost tentatively calls out, "Hyung? Have you eaten yet?"

Instead of giving a verbal reply, Seokjin simply walks over to where Yoongi's voice is coming from and finds him in the dining area, a box of gooey pepperoni pizza laid out in front of him.

The elder's once drained-looking eyes and disposition lights up in an instant at the sight of the mouth-watering food. "Oh, that's my favorite, Yoongi-ah! Did you know?"

"No... Actually, it's my favorite too. I just went with it in the hopes that you'd like it." Yoongi rubs the back of his neck shyly.

"Well, I most certainly do. Thanks, Yoongi. I wasn't really in the mood to make our food anyway." And with that, Seokjin sits down as Yoongi does the same, and the former immediately takes a slice and bites into it without another moment's hesistation, quite literally moaning at how good it tastes.

"Mhm, this tastes like a piece of fucking heaven," Seokjin drawls through a mouthful of food, quickly gobbling down the slice and taking another one. Yoongi laughs, not knowing his hyung could be like this if you put a box of pepperoni pizza on the table. Still amused, he takes a slice for his own before Seokjin finishes the whole thing.

After a while of eating quietly and peacefully, Yoongi notices Seokjin staring longingly at the uneaten crusts on the top part of the box. "Hyung, do you want them? I don't like the crust, so you can have them if you want."

"Really? They're my favorite part! How could you not like them? Can I actually have them?" Seokjin exclaims, looking and sounding like a child who was just told that they could eat more cookies from the cookie jar.

Yoongi finds himself laughing again. "I don't know, I guess I don't like them because they're literally just plain baked bread without any sauce or toppings. Tastes boring and bland for me. And yeah, you can totally have them."

"Yes! Thanks again, Yoongi-ah!" Seokjin wastes no time in devouring the crusts, chewing contentedly and not noticing Yoongi's smile widen until he looks up. "What? Why are you smiling so big like that?"

"It's just that if I'd known you'd be like this, I would've bought pepperoni pizza for us sooner."

Seokjin looks confused, tilting his head to the side a little in curiosity. "I'd be like what?"

The younger male shrugs, still smiling. "You know, like this. All happy and everything."

He blinks once, twice, before softly mumbling, "Oh."

"But I like seeing you happy, though! It suits you a lot," Yoongi blurts out, mentally cursing himself for not just brushing off Seokjin's comment and saying it was nothing.

"Yeah, okay." Seokjin quietly wipes his mouth with a paper napkin, suddenly feeling distant and cold again. He's only a meter away from Yoongi, so why does he seem so unreachable already?

The older stands up and tells him curtly, "Thank you for the meal, Yoongi. I'll be going to my room now. I would offer to clean up, but I'm afraid I have some important things to do. I hope it's not too much trouble for you to please take care of this?"

Stunned and dejected, Yoongi mutters, "No, it's fine."

"Thank you. Goodnight." And just like that, Seokjin is walking to his room and then closing the door behind him.

Yoongi sighs sadly and looks down at his hands, wishing he hadn't been so stupid as to reveal his true thoughts at that moment. Maybe if he hadn't, they would still be laughing and smiling here together right now. He doesn't even know why he cares so much. Perhaps it's that decision he'd made a week ago to not relent until Seokjin has warmed up to him. That would definitely prove to be a harder task than he'd originally thought, seeing that one wrong statement could put all his effort to waste.

But for now, engulfed in this melancholic and regretful silence, all he can do is sigh again and say to no one in particular, "Goodnight, hyung."


seokjin is totes me when it comes to pepperoni pizza though
especially the crust like i would fight someone for that shit

anyways,, this chapter was happy and then sad all of a sudden woops i lowkey suffered while writing this :<
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thank you for all your support so far !! xoxo

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