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so this is basically the previous chapter but it revolves around hoseok this time bc i figured y'all need to know his side of the story :DD


To say that Hoseok is conflicted at the moment would be a gross understatement.

He woke up earlier today for the sole purpose of avoiding Min Yoongi. Now, as he takes the longer route towards his classroom, just in case his friend ('best friend' seems too strong of a term to refer to him considering their current situation) decided to be early too, he doesn't quite know what to do anymore.

Should he say he's sorry? Should he simply ignore him and act like they're strangers? And how would he respond if Yoongi apologized first? Should he forgive him that easily? Should he push him away?

This is all so confusing, he thinks with a groan.

It's true that they had squabbled in the past, but those instances are undoubtedly minor compared to this. What happened last Friday night was a full-blown argument, and they'd thrown insults at each other. But the fact remains that Hoseok had been the one to start this whole thing. Yoongi had only retaliated. Still, there was no need to be that harsh, was there?

Was there?

He was merely teasing the mint-haired boy. He didn't mean much of it. He meant it as a joke, but apparently, it had not been funny or satisfying to anyone else but him.

The words he'd said had been stuck in his brain ever since Yoongi had left him alone that night. It's like he just can't shut up about you. He'd made it sound like Yoongi had a thing for Seokjin, which he didn't (or so he had claimed). No wonder he was mad. Hoseok can't blame him for feeling that way.

"What the hell was that, Jung?" he mutters to himself, messing up his carefully styled hair in frustration. "Now you've really gone and fucked this up, huh? Idiot."

He rarely blames himself for anything, finding that he prefers pinning the fault on others because he lacks a sense of responsibility for his actions (as if he'd ever admit that). However, it's hard to blame Yoongi for all of this. Everything happens for a reason. Most of the time, people say mean things because they were provoked. His friend is no exception. It's hardly his fault.

Why is he even making this more difficult than it needs to be? It doesn't take a genius to see what he should've done—or should do—all along: apologize.

But his pride's getting in the way.

Sure, he wants to say he's sorry. It's just that he has a bad feeling that no matter if he gets the chance to, he won't. Even now, as he weighs what his next move should be, he ashamedly discovers that he'd rather ignore Yoongi and act like they're strangers as opposed to apologizing first.

And he hates it.

He hates that his pride is clouding his better judgment. He hates that he's this prideful in the first place. He hates that he overrates himself and that he refuses to take responsibility for the fiascos he's caused. However, old habits really die hard.

How is he going to get rid of his pride on such short notice?

He realizes it's too late to think about that now as he stands in front of his classroom door. Praying hard that Yoongi isn't there yet, he opens the door.

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