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He folds his arms on the desk as he sighs. "Hoseok, what am I gonna do?" Yoongi groans, his head dropping on his arms in defeat. And of course, being the wonderful, kind friend he is, Hoseok laughs at his misery.

It's a vacant period for them, and while about half of their classmates are stressfully cramming the assignments for the following subjects that they failed to do at home (sometimes copying the work from one of their friends) while the others are anxiously reviewing for upcoming examinations, here Hoseok and Yoongi sit, completely unbothered by the fretful and frankly immature actions of their classmates because they already did everything they needed to do ahead of time. Instead, they are, for what feels like the billionth time, talking about how to get Kim Seokjin to say something other than shit related to the state of his and Yoongi's room and their food and whatnot.

If he doesn't know any better, Hoseok would think that his friend actually likes the guy, judging by the way he can't seem to shut up about him.

Two and a half months have passed since college started; Hoseok and Yoongi have practically become best friends by this time. And yet, Yoongi has still had very little success in accomplishing his goal. "I don't know what to tell you, hyung. I told you this was a stupid idea. Why don't you just give up?"

Yoongi raises his head to look at Hoseok. "I can't, though. All my life, people have been so open with me. I think I just have that effect on them or something that makes people trust me pretty easily. But Seokjin's still so reserved even if we've been roommates for a while now. He makes me curious. I want to know him better. It's like he's a challenge for me, you know? He's the first person who still acts so cold with me even if I've tried everything to get him to be a little more friendly." He pouts and runs a hand through his already messy mint green hair. "Give me some advice, man."

Before Hoseok can reply, however, someone almost runs into his chair, startling him. He looks at the skittish guy and exclaims, "What the fuck, Taehyung? I'm literally minding my own business here and you just—"

"I'm so sorry, Hoseok." the ravenette whips his head around to face him, panting, seemingly unfazed by Hoseok's death glare which is aimed at him. "I just need to get to Namjoon."

"Did I hear my name?" the boy in question says, looking up inquiringly from the complex psychology book he was reading.

"Yes." Taehyung turns to him now, slamming his hands on his desk before using his puppy eyes and his cute voice to beg him, intertwining the fingers of his hand in a sort of praying position for it to be more effective. "Can I please copy your Math assignment? Pretty please?"

Namjoon chuckles, his voice deep and soothing. "Why me? Hoseok and Yoongi are done with it, too." He shoots them a sideward glance at these words.

Taehyung follows his gaze but it soon reverts back to the brunette in front of him. "Yeah, but... You know..." He struggles for a moment before Hoseok speaks, tone laced with a kind of cold amusement.

"Go on, say it." He looks at a now flustered Taehyung, then at Namjoon, whose head is bowed and is clearly doing all he can to not meet Hoseok's eyes, and finally, at his best friend, who shakes his head pleadingly, silently asking him not to cause trouble, but Hoseok has rarely been one to avoid conflict. He somehow likes the thrill it gives him. After a few seconds, he grows impatient as he continues to stare accusingly at Taehyung. "Well? What's stopping you? Just say it and save us all the time."

"I... I'm—"

"Hoseok, please," Yoongi whispers. "Don't do this."

He's about to angrily protest when Namjoon pipes up, "It's alright, Tae. Here, take my homework. Just give it back before the bell rings, okay?"

Taehyung looks at him then down at his notebook, which he is now handing to him. He blinks, then his scared expression morphs into one of relief. "Okay, no problem. Thank you so much, Namjoon-ah!" He smiles and bows at him, then he turns to Hoseok and bows at him too, the smile leaving his face as he avoids eye contact.

"I'm sorry for... that." He then hurries off to the back of the classroom, where he reunites with his two friends, Jimin and Jungkook, and they quickly start to copy Namjoon's assignment.

The brunette looks at Hoseok and Yoongi apologetically, the former of the pair glaring at him for some reason. A light, embarrassed blush dusts his cheeks as he sighs quite miserably before he begins speaking. "Uh, I apologize for all of that. It's my fault. I started it when I shouldn't have. I should've just given him my notebook when he first asked for it. I don't know why I involved you two when there was no reason to. I'm sorry again. I hope you accept my apology." He, too, bows respectfully at Hoseok, who only rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He waves a hand carelessly, and Namjoon manages a sheepish smile. "Alright," he replies, going back to reading his book again. When Hoseok is sure that Namjoon's not looking or listening, he turns back to Yoongi and rolls his eyes again. "Fucking nerd."

At this, Yoongi raises an eyebrow. "Why do you hate Namjoon so much? You've been treating him like shit since day one, but he doesn't deserve that. The poor guy literally did nothing to you. Plus, he may be a nerd, but he's a fucking cute one at that."

"I don't hate him, hyung. That's a strong word. And I know that. I've been treating him like shit because honestly," he motioned for Yoongi to lean closer so he could whisper the next words into his ear, "I'm jealous of him."

Now, it's Yoongi's turn to laugh (or rather, scoff) at him as he moves away. "What? Why?"

"Because he's, you know, so fucking smart and all. He's so nice, too. And to top it all off, he's handsome as hell. Everyone loves him, and I mean everyone. I'm not gonna lie about any of that."

"Well, you're not wrong there. Except for the fact that everyone loves him, because you clearly don't, you dumbass."

Hoseok smiles sardonically. "Yeah, 'cause I'm not everyone, idiot. I'm unique." He pretends to dust himself off and does a kind of aegyo pose that makes Yoongi feign gagging in disgust.

"Spare me the shit, Jung Hoseok. I need my eyes so I can study properly, and they can't function if they continue bleeding from seeing you do that bullshit people call acting cute." Hoseok's only response to these harsh words is laughter, and Yoongi rolls his eyes fondly. "Anyways, we've been completely blown off topic, but now it's time to get back to what we were talking about before this shitstorm of a conversation happened. Give me advice, dude."

"Oh, that. Right. Well, I honestly have no idea what the fuck kind of advice you need." Hoseok huffs, uncrossing his arms to repetitively tap his index finger on his chin, apparently deep in thought.

"Hmm... I guess for now, you could just try more? Try different tactics, different ways of speaking to him, maybe. But I'm not sure if it'll work." He thinks for a few more moments before his eyes brighten and he raises his forefinger in the air as if he'd made a groundbreaking discovery.

"Aha, I got it! Take him to a party and get him drunk, then make him spill all his dark secrets and hope he won't remember what he did in the morning. Maybe you could fuck him while you're at it." Hoseok teasingly winks at Yoongi, who recoils at his words with a disgusted expression on his face, making him look like a living meme, which, in turn, elicits a snort out of Hoseok.

"You're disgusting, Jung. You're absolutely unbelievable. I am not going to do that last thing you said. Nuh-uh. Never ever in my life." Yoongi shakes his head stubbornly and crosses his arms, looking like a skulking toddler who had refused to move unless his mom got him the toy he wanted.

Hoseok merely sighs and surveys his nails almost boredly, not believing Yoongi's words to be true. "Whatever you say, hyung."


to those of you who don't know what hoseok was challenging tae to say,, he basically wanted him to admit that he (hoseok) and yoongi are dumber than namjoon :"))) damn hobi sure loves his drama lmao

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