
410 33 60


Make It Right - BTS
Jamais Vu - BTS


Whereas the issues with Seokjin had been mostly resolved, those with Hoseok are a different matter completely.

Yoongi had tried to talk to him the day after he and Seokjin had reconciled. It had been silent, the recognition that he had forgiven his roommate—although he supposes they're back to being friends now. They both understand without having to say a word. The event had given Yoongi a burst of hope; it made him believe that maybe, just maybe, Hoseok would finally give him a chance to talk the next day.

But he didn't. In fact, he only kept avoiding him.

So he tried again the next day, and the one after that, and on and on it went, with no success. When the sunny morning of Friday came around, the weather certainly didn't match Yoongi's mood. It's the last day of the school week, he thinks. If he doesn't talk to to me today, I'm never going to be able to fix this.

He clings onto his last thread of hope before he enters his classroom that day. "Please let Hoseok be in his original seat beside me," he whispers under his breath, closing his eyes. "Please, please, please." He pushes the door open, gaze darting around.

Taehyung is in the chair beside Yoongi's. Which means that Hoseok is in Jimin's old chair.

Sometime during this whole ordeal, Jimin had mustered up the courage to ask Hoseok if they could switch seats so that he could be beside Jungkook. The redhead hadn't denied him that. He didn't want to get in the way of another friendship. He'd done that enough these days.

So we really can't be friends anymore, Yoongi concludes as his heart plummets to his stomach.

The thought is the only thing that occupies his head all throughout the class, and he doesn't even pay attention to anything their professor says. When they're dismissed, it takes several seconds for him to realize this, and when he does, he jumps a little in his chair. His hands automatically move to put his things back in his bag, only to remember that he hadn't brought anything out of it anyways. Sighing, he shoulders his bag, stands up, and drags himself toward the door. As soon as he steps out of the room, though, he is startled again by a voice to his right.


He turns his head towards the source of the voice. It sounds oddly like—


"Yeah." He pushes himself away from the wall he leaned against, playing with his fingers nervously, head hung low. "Look, I, uh, I just want to apologize for everything. I didn't want to avoid you for so long like this, but I was too cowardly and prideful to approach you earlier. Ever since Monday, I knew I had to say sorry. I just... couldn't. I hate it so fucking much, but I couldn't." He pauses and takes a deep breath as if he's trying his best not to cry. "I—I fucked up. Badly. I know that, too. And I also know that these are all pathetic excuses, but I just want to make things right. You deserve some long, grand apology speech, but I can't say stuff like that, either. I'm sorry that you have to put up with me. I'm sorry for being an asshole that night. I'm sorry for pushing you away and threatening you. I'm sorry for avoiding you. I'm sorry for ruining your life. I'm sorry for everything."

The red-haired male looks up, which serves two purposes: he can both hide his tears from Yoongi and rapidly blink them away. "God, I'm such a horrible person, aren't I?" He laughs humorlessly. "I'm sorry for being me."

Silence stretches out over them like a winding grey river that expands into a dangerous black sea, and Hoseok can't keep himself afloat any longer. "Please, at least say something. Even if it's the confirmation that you hate me, or that we can't be friends anymore, that would be better than nothing, and I'd accept that wholeheartedly because I de—"

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