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Any song and/or playlist that makes you feel warm, safe, and comforted.


Never in a million years did Kim Seokjin think he'd let this happen all over again.

Min Yoongi is doing things to him. Things that he doesn't want to experince, ever since that final moment that sealed his decision.

The mint-haired boy had been living in the same apartment with him for a year now, and he's starting on his second year as a photography major while Seokjin is going on his third, studying culinary arts. They're both very busy, but in the early hours of morning, when they have to stay up and work on different projects and assignments, they often find themselves being able to vent and talk to each other freely. It's calming, therapeutic, and a big stress reliever. They keep getting to know each other more as time goes by, and the more this happens, the more Seokjin's feelings for Yoongi slowly grow beyond friendship.

This was never supposed to happen.

He's supposed to know better than this. Love is overrated. He'd realized that ever since him. He swore to himself back then that he would never let anyone love him, nor would he ever let himself love anyone again.

But is he breaking his own oath now?

Is it his fault? Min Yoongi is simply such a beautiful human being, inside and out. Even when his mood is dulled by stress or exhaustion, he emits a glowing aura of warmth, safety, and comfort. For him, Yoongi is a promise of security and passion, of better days to come, of a person who will care for him and treat him as the most important person in his life, of someone who can finally make him feel the rush of euphoria, of a soulmate—his soulmate—who will never leave him or make him feel like a fool.

Is it Seokjin's fault that he wants all of that?

Maybe he's just being delusional. Maybe he's been deprived of love for so long, been lonely for so long, that all it takes is a few acts of what looks like love directed at him to undo him and make him crave affection once more.

Is that also his fault?

Honestly, he can't keep thinking about this or else he'll go crazy. Seokjin turns his head that's lying on his pillow and looks at the alarm clock on his bedside table. It reads 2:56 A.M. in neon green. He sighs. He had finished his assignments at around 2:30. His alarm is set for 6:30 in the morning, but he has a feeling he won't be able to get any sleep at all. So he sits up, rubbing his eyes lightly before standing up and letting himself out of his room as quietly as he can. He doesn't want to wake Yoongi, who's surely snoring away in the other room.

He tiptoes to the kitchen and almost noiselessly sets out everything he needs to make double chocolate chip cookies. Later, he'll prepare some warm milk to go with it. The combination is one of his favorite go-to comfort foods, and right now, he really needs that.

Everything goes smoothly the first couple of minutes, and just when Seokjin's confidence has been established that he'll be able to succeed in doing this without disturbing Yoongi, it gets destroyed in an instant.

As he reaches for a nearby metal bowl without looking, he overshoots, and before he can catch it, the bowl falls to the tiled floor and makes a very loud series of metallic clanging sounds. He hurriedly crouches down and pins the bowl down on the floor with his hands to keep it from making any more noise.

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