flying / finale pt. ii

331 23 139

There are two things that can make someone feel like time has flown so fast: extreme enjoyment, and being awfully busy. For the three friends at the festival, they experience the former. They line up for most of the rides, getting through the (more often than not) long wait by chatting and laughing, and then going on the rides together when their turn finally came and having the time of their lives. They visit a spectrum of booths and stalls where they either buy (if it isn't free) merchandise or get food for them to share and consume contentedly, frequently becoming distracted by the (literally) out of this world set-up of the booths area.

At 1:55 PM, Yoongi anxiously makes his way to the trees at the edge of the school's soccer field, where the people who are interested in joining the photography competition were told to proceed, his two friends supporting him in the background. They write their names on a sign-up sheet and listen to the head of the photography department explain the mechanics and the final criteria. The contestants could use any theme, and it would be their choice whether or not they would have a subject or a model. But the challenge is that they can't use their own cameras, which is met by startled exclamations and low protests. They're each given an Instax Mini with only three pieces of film inside. They can take no more than three photos, so they must be careful with what they shoot and with which photo they choose as their final entry, because once they give it to the judges, they can't switch it out for another image anymore.

They're given forty minutes to roam around the whole campus to take their three precious pictures, and they must be back where they started at exactly 1:40 to submit their entries. For every minute of tardiness, five points will be deducted from their final score.

When the head is sure that everyone understands all of this, she sets the timer on her watch and turns it on before dismissing them, some contestants running off frantically and going in different directions, unsure where to start, some others calmly walking away and looking around, like Yoongi. He's confident he'll have no problem with the Instax Mini. He started photography with this type of camera since his father had given him one when he was in high school; he knows it like the back of his hand. Now, to decide on his theme... what should he go for?

Lost in his thoughts, he doesn't realize Hoseok and Seokjin are following behind him until the former laughs loudly at something the latter said.

Turning around, he feels dumbfounded as he asks them, "You guys are still following me?"

"Yeah. Why? Is something wrong with that, Yoongi-hi?" Seokjin questions him rather sadly. He even pouts, causing the mint-haired boy's heart to unhealthily skip several beats.

And it's then that he knows what his theme will be.


"And finally, the grand champion of this year's photography competition is..."

The contestants collectively hold their breath, some clenching their fists as they tensely await the name of the winner—

"Photography major, Min Yoongi!"

Everything speeds up and slows down at the same time. The sky whoops gleefully, the grass and the leaves and branches on the trees dance for joy, and the wind whistles appreciatively. Is this really happening? That's all he can process as his feet move of their own accord. His surroundings are a blur but every detail is in high focus, as if he carefully zoomed in on them with his camera.

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