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"We're grounders."



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Outside the dropship gunners were on their positions on the wall, looking out for the grounders. The others were packing their things and getting ready to leave. Reyna watched it all: the scared delinquents scrambling to pack as many things as possible, not too much but just enough that they could still move swiftly; the gunners that stood with every inch of their bodies trembling with fear, though persisting despite it all.

Reyna kept gripping the handle of her sword, eyes intent on the gate of camp. She kept waiting for Monty to walk through it, to return at last. But he never did.

How could they just leave him behind?

Her mind strayed to Darius. She had no way of letting him know where she was going. There was a good chance that if she left, she'd never see him again.

How did Clarke expect her to just leave them behind?

The uncertainty of it all left Reyna's mind reeling. Thought after horrible thought swarmed in her head like flies. She tried to block it all out, focus on gripping the handle of her sword, but no matter how hard she tried the ruckus in her head wouldn't cease.

Then, another thought popped up, almost swallowed in the fog of worry and anxiety - Raven.

With one more long glance at the gate, Reyna turned around, heading towards the dropship. Inside, she found the group of them already gathered around. Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, Jasper and, with a start she saw Raven, lying on the table.

Clarke was warming up a knife, which she then pressed to Raven's wound to seal it. A scream tore through the air as it made contact with her skin. Reyna had to turn her head sideways, not being able to bear the sight.

"That should stop the external bleeding." Clarke told her when the wound was closed.

"I don't understand. How did Murphy get a gun?" Finn asked, his eyes shifting between Bellamy and Reyna.

"Long story." Bellamy sighed.

"We got lucky. If Murphy hit the fuel tank instead of me, we'd all be dead." Raven informed them.

"Wait, there's rocket fuel down there? Enough to build a bomb?" Clarke asked.

"We don't have any gunpowder left, blondie." Reyna said. "Murphy wasted all of it on his grand escape."

"We got enough to build 100 bombs... but like Reyna said we don't have any gunpowder left." Raven informed them again.

"Let's get back to the reapers. Maybe they'll help us. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?" Bellamy raised his eyebrows but Clarke shook her head.

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