~Chapter 24~

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Mayu jumped nearly out of her skin when she heard a beastly snarl. She sat up, then frowned. Sesshomaru. She quickly got up, not even bothering to change out of her sleepwear, and rushed out to Rin's room.

"Mayu?" She asked, she had already been woken up.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"I'm not sure." She whispered, then there was a new snarl. Chikara.

"Should we go check?" Rin asked growing worried.

"No, Rin, stay here." Mayu said before standing and walking out. Rin didn't listen, however, she got up and ran over Mayu. Mayu slowed from a run to a trot, then a stop when she got to the main hall. She looked around, then saw Amaya. She ran over making Amaya look over.

"What happened?" Mayu asked in a hushed but rushed tone.

"His mother apparently found out that Sesshomaru-sama kissed you. He got pissed and threatened her, so my father stepped in." She explained calmly. Suddenly, she felt something wrap around her waist, it was Rin hugging her.

"I told you to stay in your room." Mayu spoke softly. Suddenly, there was a bark and a snap making the three jump and look over. Sesshomaru had barked, Chikara had snapped at him.

"What do we do?" Rin asked looking up at Mayu. Mayu stared at the two for a moment, didn't know what she could do at this point. She was the cause of this.

"That is enough, Sesshomaru!" His mother snapped making Chikara glance over his shoulder for a split moment.

"You are acting like a pup." She snarled.

"Me? I'm acting like the pup? It is you who cannot keep her muzzle out of my business!" Sesshomaru snapped making Chikara snarl.

"You are the one following in your father's footsteps!" She contorted.

"Don't you know how dangerous that is?" She asked.

"It's none of your damned concern of what I do!" Sesshomaru snapped. Chikara shoved Sesshomaru back with a throat ripped beastly growl that made Rin hide behind Mayu.

"She is still empress as long as you have no mate." Chikara said in a harsh tone.

"So it is her business, more so when it involves-" Chikara noticed a new figure in the corner of his eye. He looked over passed Sesshomaru seeing Mayu, Rin standing behind her. His eyes narrowed as he shoved passed Sesshomaru walking up to Mayu making her back up a little.

"Her." He finished with a snarl. Amaya then stepped forward in front of Mayu taking her by surprise.

"Amaya?" Chikara asked in a threatening tone.

"I will not let you harm her." Amaya growled softly. Her father narrowed his eyes.

"You're protecting what could kill us all?" He asked.

"You damned fool, don't you see that this is nowhere near the same as before?" Amaya snarled. Chikara snapped at her making her jump back. Mayu had enough, she grabbed Amaya's harm pulling her back pushing Rin to her as she stepped forward.

"Do what you will to me, I care not." Mayu spoke calmly staring up into Chikara's deadly eyes. Chikara grabbed his weapon making Mayu tense. However, he didn't even have a chance to throw a threat at Mayu before he was yanked back and thrown to the floor by Sesshomaru.

"I've had just about enough of you!" He snapped. Mayu's eyes widened, then she quickly wrapped her arms around him making him freeze.

"Stop, Sesshomaru." She whispered, her grip on him tightening just the smallest bit, her hands shaking a little. Sesshomaru stared at Chikara for a moment, then Mayu felt him slowly relax making her close her eyes, her face being in his soft hair. He gently placed a hand over Mayu's making her smile softly. She started weighing out her options on where to take him to calm down but she was soon snapped out of her thoughts.

"He knows, hmm?" His mother spoke up again making Sesshomaru glare at her. Mayu fell silent, her whole body trembling a little. Did Sesshomaru know that his mother had gotten the information from her? Sesshomaru noticed this making him glance back at Mayu for a moment.

"My father stepped out of line, he should have been punished, but Mayu saught it not needed. Nothing more." Amaya spoke before bringing Rin to Sesshomaru, then going to her father grabbing his upper arm yanking him to his feet earning a snarl. She snapped at her father making him flinch the smallest bit.

"Enough, both of you!" Eri snapped making the two freeze in place. She walked over pushing them away from each other. She then pointed at Amaya with a harsh glare.

"You, room, now." She snarled. Amaya wanted to explain herself, but she knew better, and only complied walking away with one last glance back at Sesshomaru.

"You, outside, now." She snarled twice as threateningly making Chikara shiver a little, he didn't dare say no to that tone. He sighed, turned, and walked off. Eri glared at him as she followed very close behind.

"Eri." Sesshomaru spoke up making her stop and glance back.

"Amaya isn't in the wrong." He spoke calmly. Eri nodded.

"I know who started it." She glared at Chikara for a moment, bowed, then left. The room fell silent for a moment, then Sesshomaru let Mayu's hand go making her slowly pull away.

"Take Rin back to bed." He muttered very softly.

"What about you?" Mayu whispered, glancing at his mother for a moment.

"I'll be working." Mayu perked up.

"But it's in the middle of the night!" Sesshomaru merely started walking away.


"Mayu." She stilled her voice.

"Meet me when you've done what you need." He spoke softly, calmly, yet his eyes told a different story. He then walked out of the hall. Mayu decided to not even give his mother a chance to question her, she took Rin's hand and started walking back to Rin's room.

"Is Sesshomaru-sama mad?" Rin asked as Mayu opened her room's door.

"No, Rin." She said as she closed it behind them.

"Now, rest." Rin nodded and walked to her bed laying down. Mayu knelt down and tucked her in.

"I'll come wake you in the morning, love." She said with a warm smile before kissing her forehead gently earning a smile.

"Ok." With that, Mayu walked out. She couldn't help but take her time walking to his office, she was even shaking. Why was she shaking? No, she knew why. He said to not speak of that night, but, his mother still found out because she was too scared to keep quiet. When she finally got there, she brought out a hand to knock, but she didn't have to.

"Come in, Mayu."

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