~Chapter 5~

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Eri walked beside Mayu down the hall to meet Sesshomaru, Rin, and Chikara in the main hall. However, their peaceful walk was turned sour when a very loud snarl and breaking sound was heard. Mayu instantly knew what that was, and due to Rin being with Sesshomaru, her heart sped up.

"Come on." Mayu then ran down the hall despite being in good clothing, if Sesshomaru had broken something, no matter how much Rin trusted him, she'd be scared. When she rounded the corner she saw Sesshomaru's hand in a large hole in the wall, the hole being right next to his mother's head who, once again, only watched calmly. Mayu quickly scanned Sesshomaru, his fangs were bared as he snarled so loud and nearly had to cover her ears, but her main focus was his eyes. She scanned the room seeing Rin standing behind Chikara who only watched calmly as well. Mayu rushed to Rin quickly picking her up. Rin flinched a little but held into Mayu closing her eyes.

"Let's go to Sesshomaru-sama's workspace." Mayu whispered before taking a step away, only for her arm to be grabbed by Chikara who only gave her a stern look.

"He gave me permission." Mayu said calmly, but her eyes were narrowed. Chikara narrowed his eyes as well.

"He requested you to meet him here."

"He also said if this were to happen, take Rin to his workspace. So if you excuse me, I'll be doing what I was told to do." She managed to slip her arm out of her grip as she walked to the hall that led to his workspace.

"I think your father's past is clouding your mind Sesshomaru, you know you don't have to be like him. Right?" His mother spoke softly, she seemed almost worried about him. He ripped his hand out of the hole, a couple of chunks of the wall falling to the floor below. Mayu glanced over and saw as he flexed his hand, his claws glimmering in the light showing how sharp they really were, most likely as strong as the finest metals.

"Sesshomaru-sama." Rin said sadly as she glanced over as well. Sesshomaru's pointy ear twitched a little before he glanced over making Mayu freeze in place. He stared for a moment before looking back at his mother.

"Let's go." Eri watched as Mayu took Rin away with a frown before walking over to stand beside her longtime mate. When Mayu walked in, she carefully sat Rin down before closing the door behind her.

"He's been a lot angrier recently." Rin said with a frown. Mayu sighed softly, remembering Eri's words. She walked Rin to a chair and had her sit down.

"I'm sure things will settle down soon." She said with a smile. Rin smiled softly.

"You're very pretty Mayu." Mayu's face warmed as her smile grew.

"And you as well, Rin." They waited in silence for a little while. You can't hear what is going on in the main hall from here, good for Rin, stressing for Mayu. She wanted to know what was happening, but she didn't dare leave Rin alone. Suddenly, the door slammed open as Sesshomaru stormed in, Chikara soon fallowing, and he looked pissed.

"You can't treat your mother as such!" Chikara snarled. Rin quickly jumped out of her chair going behind Mayu and wrapping her arms around Mayu's waist. Mayu reached behind her to gently hold Rin trying to soothe her.

"And you have no right to speak to me as such!" Sesshomaru snarled twice as loud, his eyes a sky blue in a sea of crimson once again.

"I've been here a lot l-"

"I CARE NOT!!!" Both males were now chest to chest, it looked like they were ready to kill each other. Rin whimpered as she started to tremble making Mayu look back at her. Mayu hesitated but looked back at the two males.

'I'm going to be killed.' She took a deep breath before letting Rin go and walking closer.

"That's enough you two! We've had enough fights in the past few days to last us a year!" Mayu snapped gaining both of the males' attention.

"I, Sesshomaru-sama, and Rin are leaving tonight. We'll be away for a little bit, clear our heads, then come back. Give him at least that, he's busy out of his mind. Anyone would be snippy in his position." Mayu said calmly, looking right at Chikara who narrowed his eyes at the human girl before him.

"You seem to think you have authority." He muttered softly. Sesshomaru fell silent, carefully watching the two. It took him by surprise that she spoke up, to a couple of demons at that. Then again, she's shown signs of authority the moment he saw her at the trade.

"I am Rin's caretaker, and as far as I am concerned, you are putting her in danger. So yes, I have authority over this because it regards her safety." Mayu explained calmly.

"If she was in so much danger, then why is she still standing there?"

"Because she's worried for Sesshomaru-sama. Now, if you please, we will be leaving soon." Chikara stared for a moment, then looked up at Sesshomaru once more.

"Being protected by a hu-"

"Don't even go there, you're a lot wiser than that, I'd hope at least. I'm not protecting him, what happens is his doing, I know better than to step in his way. Rin is the one I'm protecting." A low growl rumbled in Chikara's chest.

"Chikara." Everyone looked to the doorway to see Eri, she had a stern look on her face as she looked at her mate.

"Not now Eri." He spoke calmly.

"Funny, because his mother wishes to see you. So stop acting like a cranky pup and go." She growled, and to Mayu's surprise, he sighed before walking out. He tried to take Eri's hand, but she snarled loudly making him flinch, then he narrowed his eyes letting out a soft growl of his own only making her snap at him. He huffed before turning and going on his way. Mayu frowned looking at Eri as she watched him walk off.

"Eri?" Mayu spoke up softly. Eri looked over, her gaze softening.

"Are you alright?" Mayu asked softly. Eri was silent for a moment, then put on a gentle smile.

"I am, I suppose these stressful times are getting to us all. Even rock hard Chiki." She said, letting out a gentle breath.

"Eri." Sesshomaru spoke up. 

"Yes?" Eri replied formally. Mayu glanced over her shoulder, his eyes hadn't changed back yet.

"Prepare A-Un and tell Jaken to meet us outside." He commanded.

"Yes, M'Lord." Eri said before bowing and turning to leave.

"Can I help?" Rin asked quickly making Eri turn and look at the little girl. Eri then looked up at Sesshomaru to get an ok or not.

"Go." He spoke making Rin smile.

"Come on Eri!~" Rin chirped taking Eri's hand and hurrying off making Eri laugh and rush to keep up. Mayu sighed softly closing her eyes.

"Mayu, close the door." Mayu flinched but complied. She'd be lucky if he didn't kill her where she stood. She turned to see his eyes locked on her making her tense and her breath catch in her throat.

"Come." He spoke again. She let out a shaky breath before walking closer to him. 

"Do you fear me?" He suddenly asked taking her off guard. She hesitated, trying to find the right words, but when she did she forced herself to relax a little.

"I have every right to." She spoke as calmly as he could. He stayed silent, then his eyes flickered up a little.

"I told her to be-rid of that." He spoke ever so softly. This confused Mayu for a moment, then she remembered what Eri had told her. She stayed silent, unsure as to what to say, she didn't tell him she knew a little bit of his past. His hand reached over and gently held the dangling beads on his single finger. Mayu's eyes widened for a split moment when his eyes slowly faded back to normal.

"I suppose it's being put to better use." He muttered before retracting his hand and walking past her.

"Come, we'll be traveling overnight. Sleep on A-Un with Rin if you need." With that, he opened the door and walked out. Mayu quickly rushed out, closing the door behind her, so she can keep up with the demon lord.

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