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Alexis Winchester Instavong (21) had just graduated college. When she was 19, she found that Sam Winchester is her biological father. She had her name changed from Alexis Sengdeuan Inthavong to Alexis Winchester Inthavong. She kept the last name she grew upwith because it was who she was and she wasn't going to let it go.

Alexis is now headed to Quantico to be the youngest supervisory special agent (SSA) for the behavioral analysis unit (BAU) of the FBI. She's qualified to work cases with the BAU along his her partner Derek Morgan aka Morgan, who has feelings for her. It's her first day on the job, and it wasn't going easy.

She found, that at the end of the week, After Romeo was putting on a free concert at the mall in DC. She's going to try her best to ask her boss, SSA Aaron Hotchner aka Hotch, for the day off. No one should judge her. If your idols were performing, you would do the same thing to see them.

During the last two years of college, Sam and Dean Winchester taught her about the supernatural world. She calls Sam Dad and Dean, well, Dean. After all, she is a Winchester and she's going to have to know about it sooner or later. Sam is convinced that she will soon carry on the burden of being a Winchester by being attacked by any demon that knows she's out there. She even got the anti-possession tattoo on her back of her shoulder after what Dean and Sam has told her.

So much is going through her mind at once. 1.) She's an FBI agent that's going to take over her life, 2.) she wants to see After Romeo at the end of the week, and 3.) she's a Winchester that can be attacked by a demon any time of day.

Try living a life with the issues Alexis has. Put yourself in her shoes for a change. Would you survive? Let's see how she does.

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