Chap 16

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Dean's POV

Sam and Blake walked into the kitchen. Alexis and I started whisper yelling at each other. "What?" I asked.

"What did you do?" asked Alexis.

"What do you mean what did I do?" I asked. "Sam's alive."

"He's not suppose to be," said Alexis.

"You're not a doctor," I said.

"I had medical training for the FBI, Dean," said Alexis. "Jay stabbed him right through the spinal cord." I looked at Alexis. "A wound that deep can't be fixed and the spinal cord surely can't be healed."

"What do you want me to say?" I asked.

"I want the truth, Dean," said Alexis as she crossed her arms. "Don't give me some bull like Cas healing Sam from heaven because I won't buy it."

"Yeah, that was what I was going for until Cas healed you," I said.

"Dean, now," said Alexis. "What did you do?"

"I made a deal with a demon," I said.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" yelled Alexis.

"Keep it down," I said.

"EVERYTHING'S OKAY," Alexis assured.

"Okay," I said. "I made a deal with a demon."

"How long?" asked Alexis. I nodded my head. "Dammit Dean! How long did they give you?"

"A year," I said.

"A year?" asked Alexis. "Dean! That's till next Christmas."

"I hate how you're so smart," I said.

"Well, get used to it because I got it from Dad," said Alexis. "What do you think Dad's going to say?"

"He'll never know," I said. I regretted saying that. "You're not telling him?"

"He's eventually going to find out, Dean," said Alexis.

"You're not telling him," I said.

"Fine," said Alexis. "I won't." I looked at Alexis. "But you know Dad will find out sooner or later."

"I know but Alexis, listen to me," I said. "Take care of your dad for me when I am gone."

"Dean, don't say that," said Alexis. "We'll find a way for you to live."

"It's in the Winchester blood to sacrifice your life for another," I said.

"Apparently making a deal with the demon," said Alexis.

"My dad sacrificed his life for me and I'm doing it for Sam," I said. "I know Sam will do the same for you and you'll do the same for Blake."

"Dean, that's not the point," said Alexis. "I'll die for anyone of you but I will never make a deal with a demon."

"Well, don't make a deal with a demon but it's my soul," I said. "I can do what I want."

"I'm not listening to this," said Alexis walking towards the kitchen.

"Don't you walk away from me," I said.

Blake's POV

"I think we established that," I said.

"Good," said Sam. "That part of your training can be taken out." He looked at me. "Still got a lot more to go."

"Already am," said Alexis walking in.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Heated fight with your uncle?" asked Sam.

"Yeah, Dad," said Alexis opening the fridge and getting out a bottle water. "Dad, how do you do it every day on the road?"

"I love my brother," said Sam.

"Of course," said Alexis. "I do to but geez!"

"Why?" asked Sam.

"Secrets," said Alexis. "That's what bothers me."

"If Dean told you a secret, that's between you and him," said Sam. "Not me."

"Yeah, okay," said Alexis. "Blake, I would like to go to sleep."

"Right," I said. "I'll see everyone in the morning." I grabbed Alexis' hand and led her up to my room. "Sorry. The guys want you to share my room with me."

"As long as nothing happens," said Alexis.

"Yeah," I said. She sat down on the bed but something was bothering her. "Is everything okay?"

"Have you had a secret you want to tell someone but you can't because it's a secret?" Alexis asked.

"Probably the toughest thing for a boyfriend to do for a girlfriend," I said as I sat down next to her. "Considering my girlfriend kinda hate surprises."

Alexis smiled and let out a laugh. "Yeah," said Alexis.

"I know how you feel," I said. I put my arm around her and hugged her close. "But listen, you're a smart girl. I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"How?" asked Alexis as she looked at me.

"Well, you work for the FBI and you are a Winchetser," I said. I looked at her. "Then, you also found a way to see us in DC while also doing your job."

"I just got lucky," said Alexis smiling.

"But it worked out," I said.

"Why me?" asked Alexis. "Why am I the one chosen to have this life?"

"Because, you want life to be a challenge," I said. "Without it, I don't think we'll be where we are now."

"I love you," said Alexis.

"I love you too," I said.

A/N: I was rushing an ending because I didn't have anything else to add to it. It took me a while to just think that up. More fanfics will be up soon. Check out my other works if you haven't. Xoxo ~Alexis

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