Chap 3

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Alexis' POV

"Well, Morgan is Morgan," I said. "He's my partner and relationships aren't allowed in the office. I know where you're getting at." Dean put his feet on the coffe table. "Dean, get your feet off the coffee table or I'll remove them for you." Dean did as he was told. "Thank you. Blake, I'm not dating Morgan. Yeah, he loves me but —"

"Morgan loves you?" asked Dad.

"Yes Dad," I said. "He told me yesterday but he's afraid of you." Dad hugged me. "Because you care."

"He needs to know," said Dad.

"Oh, Dad," I said. "Carnivals has clowns."

"Clowns?" asked Dean. "This is going to be fun."

"Can't we go see a movie next weekend?" asked Dad.

"Dad, the unit wants to go to the carnival," I said. "Please Daddy?"

Dad sighed, "Fine." I smiled. "Only because I love you."

"Thank you, Daddy," I said as Dad put his arm around me. "That's how I get Dad to do what I want."

"Let's take a plane to LA," said Dad.

"No," Dean quickly stated. I giggled. "Planes crash."

"Yeah, and, apparently, clowns kill," said Dad.

"Clowns kill?" asked Blake.

"Yeah, you're not ready to learn about that side of my life right now," I said. "You would freak. Trust me. I thought Dad and Dean were crazy when they told me." I looked at Blake. "Until I saw with my own eyes."

"Okay," said Blake.

"This house has eight rooms, eight and a half baths," I said. "Leaving five rooms left because Dad, Dean, and I get our own room."

"The guys can take the room," said Jonnie. "Todd, Momma Fox, and I can rent the hotel at the corner."

"If you tell them Alexis Inthavong sent you, you get three rooms plus room service for free," I said. "My best friend own the place."

"Thanks," said Jonnie as he left.

"Okay, Dad and Dean, room is upstairs," I said. "Guys, room is through that hallway." I smiled. "Oh, and if you're going to talk to someone that you're not in the room with, please yell their name. If your name isn't called, don't answer." Everyone nodded. "Okay, you can get settled in." Everyone went to their room. Dean and Dad came back down the stairs. "That was fast."

"We don't have a suitcase," said Dad.

"Right," I said. "I totally forgot about that." I nodded. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Beer?" asked Dean.

"The only thing I have in the fridge for you," I said. "Dad, can I get you anything?"

"A beer," said Dad.

"Okay," I said. I walked into the kitchen and stopped in my tracks when I saw someone standing there. He looked familiar and I had to state the obvious. "You look familiar."

"Well, I hope you would recognize me dear," he said with an accent. "Does the King Of Hell ring a bell?"

I got serious. "Crowley," I said. I took a few steps back. "What are you doing here?"

"Just a little deal," said Crowley.

"Dad! Dean!" I quickly yelled. Dad and Dean ran into the kitchen. "It's Crowley."

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