Chap 15

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Alexis' POV

I woke up on a wood floor with a headache. "What the hell happened?" I asked. I got up and walked to the door. I tried to open it but it wouldn't open. "Seriously?" I kicked the door down and it flew open. "Not bad."

"Alexis," said Dad.

"Dad," I said. I ran up to him and hugged him. "What happened? All I remember is walking into the diner."

"Demons," said Dad.

"We need to get out of here," I said. "Now."

"Ava, Andy, and Jay," said Dad. "This is my daughter, Alexis."

"Hey guys," I said. "We need to get out of here."

"Yeah, we can't," said Dad. He pointed to the windmill. "Lily tried leaving but the demon killed her."

"Why are we here?" asked Alexis.

"I have visions," said Ava.

"I can make people do things," said Andy. "It doesn't work on us though."

"Super strength," said Jay.

"I have visions," said Dad.

"I don't have an ability," I said. "So why are we here?"

"I don't know but we gotta prepare," said Dad.

"Let's look for salt, iron, and silver," I said. "We have to pair up."

"Let's not split up," said Dad. I put my hands up in surrender. "Let's check that house."

"Right," I said. We went into the house. I checked the kitchen. "Salt." I grabbed the two bags and walked to the small room we were going to stay in. "Dad, I found salt."

"Alright," said Dad. He lined the window with salt and the doorway with salt. "Stay on this side of the salt so nothing can happen."

"Okay," said Ava.

"You can sleep here," said Dad as he set up a pallet on the floor. "I'll be right here in this chair."

"Yes Dad," I said. I laid down. "I want to be in my bed." I eventually dozed of. "Hm."

"Alexis, wake up," said Dad.

"What?" I asked as I quickly sat up. "What's going on?"

"Ava's missing," said Jay.

"What?" I asked standing up. "It just gets better and better doesn't it." I looked at Dad. "Seriously, this isn't going to stop is it?"

"No," said Dad. "Let's go. Andy, you stay here."

"Okay," said Andy.

Jay, Dad, and I left the house. "I'll take the barn and the hotel," said Jay. "You two take the saloon."

"Alright," I said. "Meet back here in ten." Dad and I left. I heard screaming. "Dad." We ran back to the house. "Andy."

"Sam," said Ava as she stopped screaming.

"How'd the thing get in?" asked Sam.

"Dad, the line is broken," I said. "Ava, it wasn't broken when we left." I looked at Dad. "She's controlling the demons."

"I'm sorry guys," said Ava.

I saw the black smoke. "Dad," I said.

"Get behind me, Alexis," said Dad. I saw Jay and he snapped her neck. "We can get out of here now." We walked out of the house. "Ava was controlling the demon. It shouldn't come back."

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