Chap 10

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Morgan's POV

Alexis walked into the conference room. "Look who decided to show up for work today," I said.

"Please don't ruin my morning," Alexis smiled.

"Looks like baby girl got some last night," I said smiling.

"No," said Alexis. "Just don't ruin it." She sat down. "Oh my dad is having a Christmas party and you're all invited. It's on Christmas Eve and I'm not sure when the time is but he'll notify you." She smiled. "You can bring your significate other with a little one if you have one. That reminds me, I have to tell him that'll be a little more than thirty guests."

"Alexis, you're rambling," said Hotch, raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry," said Alexis. "What's the case?"

"DC, kids are being kidnapped," said Garcia. "Two bodies have turned up and apparently the perp we have in custody seems to be babbling on about mind control."

"Alexis," I said. "Think you're Dad and uncle would be intrested in this case?"

"They're busy," said Alexis. "Let me to talk to the guy in custody." Hotch and I escorted her to the interrogation room. "I'll be fine."

"I'll walk inside with you," said Hotch.

"Alright," said Alexis. They walked inside and Hotch closed the door. I watched through the one way glass. "So..." She looked at the file. "Adam."

"Leave," said Adam.

Hotch did and closed the door. "Hotch," I said.

"I said leave," said Adam. "Why is it not working?"

"I don't know," said Alexis. "Good luck." She left the room. "So, he won't crack because he can control people. You're on your own."

"But he can't control you," I said.

"Doesn't mean anything," said Alexis. "He's not going to talk to anyone."

"Come on," I said.

"You're on your own," said Alexis.

"Alright," I said as Alexis left. "I'm not sure we can speak with this suspect."

Blake's POV

"Why doesn't the training in Alexis' journal sound this amazing?" I asked.

"Because she wasn't enjoying it when she first started," said Dean. We walked back inside. "It's better now that she understands."

"And I now see what she goes through," I said.

"You're going to be singing No Christmas," said Sam. "And that's when you're going to get Alexis back."

"I'm getting her back now," I said. "We have a week before Christmas Eve and I can't wait that long."

Alexis walked through the front door and took off her coat. "You just left an hour ago," said Sam.

"Yeah and they have a suspect in custody that can control people," said Alexis.

"But?" asked Sam.

"He can't control me," said Alexis. "Is there something anyone has to tell me?"

"Alexis, I used to have powers," said Sam. "It's in my blood but I guess it's also genetic."

"You've got to be kidding me," said Alexis.

"Well, you're not twenty two," said Sam.

"I just turned twenty two five months ago," said Alexis.

"And nothing happened so you don't have powers," said Sam. "You're immuned to powers."

"That definately comes as an advantage," said Dean. His phone rang. He smiled and put it down. Alexis and Sam were looking at him. "What?"

"Who or what were you smiling at?" asked Sam.

"Remember Jo?" asked Dean.

"OMG! Dean," said Alexis. "I thought you guys were through."

"We are," said Dean. "We're just friends."

"Alexis, I have something I need to tell you," I said. She looked me in the eyes and nodded. "I'm sorry." I pulled her in for a hug. "I understand why you didn't warn me about a knife being thrown towards me."

"Well, I'm glad you understand now," said Alexis.

"She tried to kill you?" asked Jayk.

"No, I didn't try to kill him," said Alexis letting go of me. "I would never try to kill my Romeo."

"It's a life that you have to understand," said Dean. "I'm sure you all will learn soon enough."

"Wait," I said. "Did you just call me your Romeo?"

"I sure did," said Alexis as she held my hand. "Because you are."

"Does this mean we're officially back together?" I asked.

"We sure are," said Alexis. We were about to kiss until Sam coughed. "Sorry Daddy."

His vibrated and he looked at it. "Looks like we have a case in Philidelphia," said Sam grabbing his duffel bag from the closet. He handed Alexis' hers. "A girl mysteriously disappears from her apartment."

"I'm coming with," I said.

"We have no idea what we're dealing with," said Dean. "We don't need you tagging along."

"Why not?" I asked.

"We're not done training you yet," said Dean.

"What's the real reason?" I asked. "I'm serious."

"It's enough trouble that we have to watch Alexis but if you go the situation turns around," said Dean. "It'll be you trying to protect her while Sam and I protect the both of you when in Alexis' mind it'll be her trying to protect you and Sam and I protecting just you."

"Dean," said Alexis as she grabbed her coat. "This isn't the time for this." She put on her coat. "Let's go. We gotta hit the road."

"Okay, just Face Time me," I said.

"Call," said Alexis. "I'll pick up when I'm not busy."

"Alright," I said. We hugged and the three of them left. "We have to plan an amazing Christmas party."

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