Chap 8

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Morgan's POV

I drove to Alexis' home and rang the doorbell. Blake opened the door. "Hey, is Alexis home?" I asked.

"No," said Blake. "But you can come in." I walked in and sat on the couch. "What brings you to her home?"

"I was going to take her out for coffee," I said.

"I don't think her dad would approve," said Blake.

"Why not?" I asked. Alexis, Dean, and Sam walked in. "Hey."

"Morgan, what are you doing here?" asked Alexis.

"I was going to take you out for coffee," I said.

"I'm sorry," said Alexis. "But I can't." Her and Blake hugged. "Hey." She put her bag down and hugged him with both arms. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," said Blake. "What was the case this time?"

"Vamps, again," said Alexis as they let go of each other. "I'm going to go shower and get ready, okay? And we can go for that movie."

"Okay," said Blake. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, grabbed her bag, and went upstairs. "And there goes my girl."

"Wait, are you two together?" I asked.

"They have been for two days," said Sam. "Didn't Alexis tell you."

"No one told me jack," I said. "I guess I'm only wasting my time being here."

"Sorry man, but Blake got to her first," said Dean. "Maybe you should've won her heart first."

"I don't think that would've been good either," said Sam.

"Why?" I asked.

"I think Alexis already had her heart set on Blake," said Sam. "She was telling me all this incredible stuff about him."

"Really?" asked Blake. "Like what?"

"How you are the one guy that can make her smile, like an idiot," said Sam. "And that you're the only guy she can trust other than me and her uncle."

"Well," I said feeling stupid. "Can you give this to Alexis?" I handed Blake an envelope. "It's from her boss Aaron Hotchner."

"Yeah sure," said Blake.

"Thanks," I said. I walked out of the house and got into the car. "JJ, why did I even let you talk me into coming here?"

"Because you like Alexis," said JJ.

"Exactly my point," I said. "She's already taken."

"By who?" asked JJ.

"Blake English," I said driving.

"Oh dang," said JJ. "There's no way you can compete with that."

"Yeah, no kidding," I said. "I'm just going to cut my losses and move on." I looked at the road. "At least we won't be seeing her much in the office anymore."

"What did Hotch do?" asked JJ.

"Well, you know how we all know about that side of her life?" I asked. I felt a nod from JJ. "Well, Hotch said she doesn't have to be in the office but make sure to send him a text once a day." I parked at the academy. "Since she can't be here physically to clock in, she can just send Hotch a text."

"Smart," said JJ.

"Just wish she was here," I said. "With me." I looked at JJ as I took off my seatbelt. "I guess Alexis and I aren't meant to be together after all."

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