Chap 7

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Alexis' POV

"You did," I said. "And just so you know, you're actually the first guy to pass within a day."

"How long did the others take?" asked Blake.

"Some a few days to a week," said Dad. "Others a few weeks."

"Well, I must be really special," said Blake.

"And the only guy to have ever been there for me," I said.

"I'm going to go get ready," said Blake. "Maybe go out for a movie tonight."

"Definately," I said. Blake left. "Thank you so much Daddy." I hugged him. "You don't know how much this means to me."

"He better take good care of my ONLY daughter," said Dad putting emphasize on the word only.

"Don't worry, Daddy," I said. "Blake isn't going to hurt me. He's a true sweetheart."

Dad's phone rang. He looked at it. "No way," said Dad. He picked up and put it on speaker. "Jodi, how's it going?" I recognized the name. She knows a lot about the supernatural world. "What's going on?"

"Oh, you know, I'm having the time of my life at a sheriff's retreat in Hibbing," said Jodi.

"Wow, sounds like a blast," said Dad. "Uh, Dean and Alexis says hi."

"Well, thanks for telling me that you're all there," said Jodi.

"Yeah, uh, sorry about that," said Dad.

"How they doing?" asked Jodi.

"You're on speaker," said Dad.

"Hey Jodi," I said.

"How's Alex holding up?" asked Dean.

"Awesome," said Jodi. "Already head of the cheerleading squad."

"Wow, really?" asked Dad.

"No, Sam. She smokes grass under the bleachers," said Jodi. "But at least she's not luring men to their death."

"Good," said Dad.

"Listen, so this may not be your kind of thing but a body was found here this morning and something had gone to chow town on it," said Jodi.

"Was the throat ripped out?" I asked.

"Okay, no one told me your daughter was a hunter," said Jodi.

"It just sorta happened," said Dad. "So, keep going. Was the throat ripped out?"

"Worst. I'm hearing that all the flesh has been eatten down to the bones," said Jodi. "Any ideas?"

"Well, it's not a vampire," said Dean.

"Yeah, I don't know, Jodi," said Dad. "I got nothing."

"Jodi, we can head that way," said Dean. "It won't be any trouble at all."

"Nah, it's okay," said Jodi. "I can handle it. I promise I'll call if I can't."

"Alright," said Dad. "Enjoy the retreat."

"Screw you, Winchester," said Jodi.

"Talk soon," said Dad as he hung up.

"Go pack the knives," said Dean. "I'm going to keep looking at this stuff."

"Jodi says she was on top of it, Dean," I said.

Dean looked at Dad. "Alright. Let's take a drive," said Dad.

"I'll pack a bag," I said. I walked up to my room and grabbed my After Romeo duffel bag. I packed my clothes. I walked downstairs and Blake was in the living room dressed nicely. The thought hit me. "Oh, crap. Blake, I'm so sorry."

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