Chap 6

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Morgan's POV

Alexis walked into the conference room. "It's about time," I said.

"Sorry," said Alexis. "Dad was being over protective again." She sat down. "What's the case?"

"Well, there's this girl in DC who's being stalked," said Garcia.

"Why didn't she notify the police?" asked Alexis.

"She did," said JJ. "Five times all in the past month."

"And they're not doing anything about it?" I asked. JJ nodded her head. "What should we do?"

"Find out who the perp is," said Alexis. "Interview Miss Rosie Johnson."

"I don't think she's up at this time," I said.

"Someone who's being stalked, you'll be surprised," said Alexis.

"Alexis and Morgan, go check out Rosie," said Hotch.

Alexis and I got into the SUV. I drove us to Rosie's house and she knocked. "I don't think she's up," I said.

The door opened. "Rosie Johnson?" asked Alexis smiling.  "I'm Agent Inthavong and this is my partner Agent Morgan." We showed our badges. "May we come in?"

"Yes," said Rosie as she let us in. She quadruple locked the door and we sat down in her living room. "The police wouldn't listen to me so I turned to the FBI."

"Don't worry," said Alexis. "We'll take care of it."

"Thank you," said Rosie.

"Rosie, do you know who your stalker is?" I asked.

"No," said Rosie as she put a box on the table. "But he would send me gifts."

I put on my gloves and opened the box. "Jewlrey and pictures of his body parts," I said. "But no face photograph."

"We can't ID him," said Alexis.

"Alexis, let me talk to you," I said.

I pulled her outside and closed the door. "What the hell, Morgan?" Alexis questioned.

"We can ID the perp," I said. "Fingerprints."

"She got her prints all over the the gifts too," said Alexis. "So, his prints can be long gone." A guy walked up to us. "We got this under control. FBI."

"Detective Danny Pino," said the guy.

"Well, Danny, like she said," I said. "We got this convered."

"Wait," said Alexis. "Danny Pino who plays Nick in Law and Order SVU?" She looked at him as he nodded. "You're my favorite actor on SVU. Best part, not only are you a detective in acting but in real life too?"

"Yeah," said Danny smiling. "Maybe we can go get coffee whenever your case is done."

"I wouldn life that," said Alexis smiling.

"You have a boyfriend," I said.

"No, I don't," said Alexis. "Who said I did?"

"Blake?" I asked.

"He's not my boyfriend," said Alexis. "Every guy that I want to be with has to go through my father."

"Sam?" I asked.

"Yeah," said Alexis.

"Can we go get that coffee now?" asked Danny.

Alexis looked at me and I sighed. "You two go on ahead," I said. "I'll call if anything comes up."

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