Chap 1

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Alexis' POV

I walked into the academy with my ID clipped to my pants, right next to my gun holster. "My first day on a job," I said. "This is going to be fun."

"Look who's here," said Morgan. "Miss Alexis Inthavong."

"Shut up, Derek Morgan," I said smiling. "Can someone lead me to the conference room? We have a case."

"Right this way, baby girl," said Morgan.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you're my partner," said Morgan.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," I said. We walked into the conference room. "Hotch, did you have to team me up with Morgan?"

"What's wrong with Morgan?" asked Hotch.

"He's flirting with me," I said. "The second I set foot into the building, there he was."

"He's the most qualified agent to keep up with you," said Hotch. "Just work with him just this once and see how it goes."

"Alright," I said. "What's the case?"

"Homocide," said Garcia handing me a tablet. "Three cases already."

"And we're just not getting it?" I asked.

"No one seems to connect the dots," said Garcia. "One in Black Creek, another in Jericho, and the recent one in Lawrence."

"The connection?" asked Morgan.

"All has this freaky symbol," said Garcia as she pulled up a picture. "Written on the wall."

"Is that blood?" asked JJ.

"Seems to be," said Rossi.

"We have to split up," said Hotch.

"We have to find out where the unsub is going to hit next," said Reid.

"But where?" asked Prentiss. "There's no pattern."

"Alexis and Morgan, take the recent case," said Hotch. "JJ and Reid in Jericho, the rest of us in Black Creek."

"Alright," I said. "Let me make one quick call." I grabbed my tablet and went to the bathroom. I got out my phone and called Sam. "Come on and pick up."

"Hello," said Dad.

"Hey Dad. I think I have a case," I said. "I have a symbol and it looks like the ones we use."

"Send me a picture," said Sam.

"Okay," I said. I took a picture and sent it to him. "Just sent."

"Dean," said Dad. "We got the picture and you're right."

"The point is I never seen it before but it's similar to the ones we use," I said. "My partner and I are going to the most recent crime scene."

"Where?" asked Dean.

"Lawrence, Kansas," I said.

"We're going to contact Castiel and see if he knows anything," said Dad. I heard a fluttering of wings. "Cas, we have a question."

"Do you recognize this symbol?" asked Dean.

"It's an angel signal," said Cas. "I went to the scenes. The victims are my brothers and sisters."

"Angels?" I asked. "Are we talking about angels, Cas?"

"Yes," said Cas. "I'm afraid so."

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