Chap 2

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Morgan's POV

After two days we finished the case. I was confused for the most part. I saw Alexis hugging the two agents before getting into the suburban. "Alexis?" I questioned as I started driving. "Are you going to tell me?"

"Tell you what?" asked Alexis, playing dumb.

"You said you would tell me after the case," I said. "And first, I would like to know why you hugged the two agents?"

"Oh, that's where we're headed," said Alexis. "They're not real agents."

"Not real what now?" I asked.

"Agents. Not real agents but I knew they could help," said Alexis. "We did solve the case though."

"Who the hell are they?" I asked.

"Don't you use that tone with me when talking about my family," said Alexis. Did she just say family? "The shaggy hair guy, is Sam Winchester. I found out he's my father at age nineteen." I sighend. "The other, Dean Winchester, my uncle. I knew they'd be able to help when I saw the symbol. Trust me, I was just as confused as you are when I was learning this."

"And the guy with the trench coat?" I said.

"Castiel aka Cas," said Alexis. "He's an angel and so is the unsob. Well, the unsub was an arch angel."

"I want to call you crazy but I can't seem to," I said.

"Awh, because you love me," said Alexis.

"Baby girl, of course I do," I said. "But your father..."

"He can be intimidating," said Alexis. "But as long as you don't hurt me, he won't hurt you."

"Next week, there's this carnival and the unit is going," I said taking my chances. "I was wondering if we can go together along with your Dad and uncle."

"Are there going to be clowns?" asked Alexis.

"It's a carnival," I said. "Wait, you're not afraid of clowns, are you?"

"Not me," said Alexis. "My dad is but then again my incle is afraid of flying."

"Why?" I asked. "If you don't mind." I sighed. "After hearing what we been through on that case, I'm not going to call you or your family crazy. I find that this is your normal life."

"Well, planes crash and, apparently, clowns kill," said Alexis. "A year and two months agao, I worked a case that dealt with clowns. My dad said out while I worked with my uncle."

"I'll just stick with cases handed to us," I said. "You stick to those cases. I'll cover for you."

"Thank you," said Alexis.

"No problem, baby girl," I said. She fell asleep. I drove till we got to the academy the next morning. "Alexis?"

"Hm?" hummed Alexis as her eyes fluttered open. "Where are we?"

"Home," I said.

"Day?" asked Alexis. "Time?"

"Friday morning at nine," I said.

"I have to go ask Hotch something," said Alexis as she got out of the car. I followed her to the conference room. "Hotch, I have a quick question to ask."

"Alexis," said Hotch. He looked at me. "What happened?"

"I don't know," I said. "We just got back."

"Look, I know I haven't been here a week but I would like to ask for a day off tomorrow," said Alexis. "There's something I want to attend."

"I actually have a request for our best agent to be part of security at the event they're having at a DC mall," said Hotch. "Maybe you would want this small side job. I already turned your name in. You can't have tomorrow off. You're working the job tomorrow."

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