Chap 11

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Alexis' POV

Dean, Dad, and I went to the apartment in Philly. "What is that?" I asked. I touched it. "Well, I'll be damned."

"What?" asked Dean. He touched it. "That's ectoplasm."

"You know what that means," said Dad.

"We're dealing with a pissed off spirit," I said. "Let's go." We were about to leave until we bumped into Jo and the manager. "What is she doing here?"

"There's my husband now, Dean," said Jo as she snaked her arm around Dean. "His buddy Sam and our daughter Alexis."

"Hi?" I questioned.

"Did you check out the apartment for rent?" asked Jo.

"Yeah," said Dean.

"How'd you get in?" asked the manager.

"It was open," said Sam.

"Did you like it?" asked Jo.

"It was great," said Dean.

"Well, if Dean-o likes it, we'll take it," said Jo.

"I don't get a say in this?" I asked.

"No sweetie," said Jo having an attitude with me.

"Fine," I pouted. She handed the manager a wad of cash. We walked up to the apartment. "Okay. We're dealing with a spirit."

"Yeah," said Sam.

My phone started ringing. "Blake's calling me for Face Time," I said. I accepted. "Hey bae!"

"My kitty cat," said Blake. "What are you doing?"

"Hunting a spirit," said Dad popping in behind me.

"Apparently," I said. "Working with someone new." I got Jo in the view behind me. "Uncle Dean's wife and apparently they're my new mommy and daddy."

"That oughta be fun," said Blake.

"Yeah, no," I said. "I got the best father right here."

"I love you too, princess," said Dad.

I smiled. "My happiness," I said.

"We gotta scan the floors," said Dean. "Jo, you and I will take the top two floors." I sighed. "Sam will take the bottom floor and Alexis, you take this floor."

"Got it," I said getting out my EMF scanner. "I gotta go bae."

"I love you," said Blake.

"Love you too," I said as I hung up. I walked around the halls and got nothing. I went back to the room and got in the bed. It was getting late and Dad wasn't back yet. I woke up the next morning. "God." I showered and got dressed in jeans, a short sleeve flannel, and my converses. I walked into the living room and Dad wasn't there. "Where's Dad?"

"Out getting coffee," said Jo.

"How was the bed?" asked Dean.

"Don't even start," I said. Dad came back empty handed. "Dad."

"Where's the coffee?" asked Dean.

"Another girl diappeared," said Dad.

"Great," I said. I looked at the information laid out on the table. "We're looking in the wrong place." I showed the picture to Dad. "Look at the building next door."

"Barred windows," said Dad. "We're next to a prison."

"Holmes real name," I said pointing at the newspaper. "Chicago held the prisons in walls. We're going into the walls." I grabbed a sledge hammer from my bag. "Let's go."

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