Chap 13

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Alexis' POV

"I totally agree," I said.




alexisinthavong: Blake wanted me to have a group picture with my best friends and this happened. Jayk was holding mistletoe and I guess it just kinda happened for only a second.


madison.english: #Blaxis is life! :*

brittanyyy23___: aww! Send me this picture! I want it! I look so cute with teec! I'm spending the night btw

milwaukeejuliet: all this time I never thought I'd win the contest to be at a Christmas party with them! By the way, amazing party! I love it! <3 and I'm with Britt


"What's up?" asked Blake.

A slow song started playing. "Another slow song?" I asked.

"Alexis," said Dad walking up to me. He held out his hand. "May I have a father daughter dance?"

"Yes Daddy," I said. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. We started dancing together. "I love you Daddy."

"I love you too, princess," said Dad as he put a tiara on me. "You're the queen of the house but you're my little princess."

"Because you're my king," I said hugging Dad. "I wish there was more time like this." The lights started flickering. "I knew it."

"Juliets but Brittany and Ericka out of the house," said Dad as he opened the door. The Juliets left. "Same with the FBI unit." They left as Dad closed the door. "Alexis, get the salt. Where the hell is Dean?"

"Dean!" I yelled. Dean came in through the kitchen. The lights throughout the house was flickering. "Are you aware of this situation?" I threw Dad the bucket of salt from the closet. "Why here? There's nothing here."

Dad drew a huge circle in the middle of the living room. "Everyone inside the circle," said Dad. Everyone got in. I grabbed an iron rod and my rock salt shot gun. Dad, Dean, and Jo got theirs. "Okay."

"What about me?" asked Blake.

"You're not dealing with this one," I said. "Please, get in the circle, Blake."

"Alright," said Blake as he did.

"Here," said Dean as he handed Blake a shot gun. "Trust me."

"Dean," I said.

"What?" asked Dean.

"Behind you," I said. "There's one behind you."

"Same to you," said Blake.

I turned around. "Oh god," I said. I raised my gun and shot he guy. He disappeared. "Okay. That'll only stall and buy us some time."

"Are there bones to burn?" asked Dad.

"This house isn't built on a cemetary," I said. "What do you mean are there bones to burn?!" I looked around. "Jo, behind you. Get down!" I raised my gun, about to shoot. "Come on."

"Don't shooottttt," said the ghost.

"What kind of ghost negotiates?" I asked aiming.

"Kinggggg of Hellllll," said the ghost.

"Crowley?" asked Dad. "What do you want with him?"

"Killlll," said the ghost.

"Like hell we're going to let you kill him," said Dean. He had five shot guns raised at him. "Why do you want to kill Crowley?"

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