Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up the next morning and felt the soreness in my neck from being manhandled by Rio the night before. My stiff muscles felt tense, and I couldn't help but feel a certain...frustration. A frustration that started in my lower abdomen and traveled down my legs. I didn't know this frustration well, seeing as how my work occupied most of my energy. Seeing Rio and getting into a physical altercation was...oh my god...turning me on? I hadn't been with a lot of men. My number was only up to four, and I was in my mid-twenties, so I felt like that was a good figure. But the fact that a hardcore criminal who has probably killed more people than I can count was getting my hot and bothered made me feel...dirty. But in the best way.

I got my coffee and realized my work phone had five missed calls and two voicemails from my boss, my FBI boss. I didn't even bother listening to the voicemails and just immediately dialed him. I paced through my kitchen with my coffee in my other hand.

"Andy? Thank God, is everything okay?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, I am fine. Why?" I asked.

"We got word that Rio was in the apartment. Did he hurt you? We released the apartment lease information to public records because we were told it was pinged. We assumed it was him." He said.

"Yeah, it was him. He was checking to ensure I was legit and not getting my apartment paid for by the government. He left suddenly, so I am guessing his guy saw it. Thank you for that." I added.

"Of course, I am sorry we dropped that ball on that. We should have covered that base before we sent you in. I spoke with your supervisor back in Chicago, and we have a plan to ensure that doesn't happen again." Ron promised.

In the middle of Ron rambling on, I heard a knock at the door. I set my coffee down and answered it. A man with a big bouquet of bright orange lilies stood at the door with a smile. I looked at him with confusion.

"Andy Moretti?" He asked.

"Yes?" I said with hesitation.

"These are for you. Can you sign, please?" He said as he handed me a clipboard. I signed the bottom of the sheet, and he told me to have a good day as he handed the flowers to me. I smiled and thanked him before shutting the door. I set the flowers on the counter and pulled out the small card attached to the plastic stick. My heart dropped.

"My mistake. I look forward to working.

With you. See you tonight.- Rio"

Never in the years, I had been working for the FBI had a target ever made me this shakey. But I wasn't sure that it was from fear. I knew I had to get my reports done before the meeting tonight with Rio and his crew, so I got dressed and got to work.

It was nine pm, and I decided to head over to the warehouse that Rio's goon texted me this morning. When I pull up, there are two men at the door. They had the same look as Rio but just huskier. I had to admit I was nervous. While I could hold my own, Rio was shockingly stronger than he looked, and he clearly had no problem putting me in my place. After I parked, I got out of my car, and my heeled boots clanked against the concrete. After seeing the guards eye me up and down, I had a feeling I would be the only female. Then I saw Rio come through the steel double doors, smirking at me. I stopped in front of them, and the guards eyed me suspiciously.

"Packing?" Rio asked. I lifted my top to show my pelvic bones, a gun peeking out of my jeans. They smiled slightly. Rio's eyes trailed all over me.

"Always," I said.

"Are we taking it?" One of the guards whispered to Rio. Rio shook his head.

"Nah, she's good," Rio said, not taking his eyes or smile off of me. "Come on, darlin'. We've got a lot to talk about." Rio said as he moved to the side, letting me through the doors as he followed. We walked side by side, and he led me to an office in the back corner of the warehouse. He opened the door for me, and I saw a room full of big thugs. Yep, the only female. But oddly, I felt safe. I walked past them all, following Rio. I sat at the small conference table, and Rio sat across from me.

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