Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

It was only a few days since he was released, and Jason had already found an apartment in Detroit. He got one very quickly like he didn't want to spend one night in my home. I knew he wouldn't be fond of Rio right away, but this was odd. Another odd thing was Rio's attitude towards him. Rio had nothing on him, yet he clearly had a problem with him. Was I missing something?

I was in the shower, washing the night off of me. I had been on and off the phone all night trying to fix an issue at our Jersey charter. Don was a pig as usual, and I had to dodge that bullshit while trying to conduct business over the phone. If Rio had been home during these calls, it wouldn't have lasted long, but he was out, working.

I let the hot water run over me, and I jumped slightly when I heard the bathroom door open. I looked to see Rio peeling his clothes off. I smiled and continued getting my hair wet. He walked into the shower and smiled at me. My smile dropped once I saw blood spatter on his beautiful face. My thumb ran over his cheek, smearing the substance slightly. His smile faded, and his jaw tensed.

"What happened?"

"Usual. I had to take care of some business. It got a little messier than I had anticipated. But I don't care, it's done, and I got my beautiful...." He said, kissing me. "Wet woman in front of me." He said as he snaked his arms around me.

"You okay?" I asked as he started on my neck. He nodded. He bent down in front of me and lifted my leg over his shoulder, and shortly after, my eyes rolled into the back of my head. If there was one thing Rio was good at besides crime, it was making me forget.


When Rio and I were done in the shower, we got out and got dressed. Just as I had dried my hair, we heard a knock at the door.

"You expectin' anyone?" He asked. I shook my head no. Rio grabbed his handgun and cocked it. He walked over to the door, keeping the gun out of sight, then opened it to reveal Jason. Rio opened the door wider, giving Jason an unspoken invite. Jason walked in, and I walked up to hug him.

"Hey. What are you doing here? Everything okay?" I asked. Jason nodded.

"Yeah, I um. I wanted to apologize. To both of you." Jason explained. I looked at him sideways, and he turned to Rio.

"I came across as a dick the other day, man. I didn't mean to. My mind is just trying to wrap around everything." Jason said. I smiled at him then at Rio, waiting for Rio to accept his apology. Rio had his arms crossed against his chest, and he slightly shrugged, not taking his eyes off Jason. Not the acceptance I was hoping for, but it's something.

"That's nice of you, J, right babe?" I asked Rio, egging him for a better reaction.

"Yeah. Sure is." Rio said sarcastically.

"Look, I'm trying to say I'm sorry, man. Give me a little credit." Jason said to Rio. Rio chuckled.

"Let me ask you somethin', J.," Rio said as he uncrossed his arms and walked to Jason, so they were nose to nose. "What made you get outta that nuthouse now, huh? It's been almost ten years, right? Why now? Can't unscramble brains that are too far gone, am I right?" Rio said. Jason eyed him.

"Babe, come on." I breathed out. Here we go.

"Alright, you know what? I was trying to be the bigger man. But forget it. I'll see you later, Andy." Jason said as he stomped off.

"J wait!" I said, chasing after him. He was already out the door. I turned back at Rio, and he tensed his jaw as he does and set his handgun on the counter. "What the hell was that?!" I yelled.

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