Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I sat on the edge of the bed, my sneakers still on. I was so pissed. Rio was hiding something from me, and sure he was boss, but I was his...I was his...well, I was the woman he was fucking at least. My legs were shaking up and down in anticipation. Goddamn, I was gonna lose it. Just as I was getting ready to get up and see if Rio was coming upstairs yet or not, I heard him come up the stairs and into the loft bedroom. He smiles slightly, seeing my anger.

"You mind tellin' me why you were slammin' doors when we had guests over?" Rio says with a slightly sarcastic tone.

"Oh, they're our guests now? What the fuck, Rio? I know you're keeping something from me. What the hell is going on?" I yelled. He tensed his jaw, and his smile had faded by now.

"Bitch, I don't have to tell you shit. You work for me." He growled, walking towards me, so he was inches from my face. I scoffed.

"I'm also the bitch who fucks you every night. At least give me some credit." I hissed. Rio laughs at this.

"Yeah, you do, darlin'. But that doesn't mean..." He started.

"Why is the FBI closing in? OR should I ask what is the FBI closing in on?" I ask. He smiles, shaking his head at my persistence.

"They found her. The graphic artist we capped. They found somethin' that led to her body. They don't have anything solid on us yet, and we are in the middle of handling it." Rio said, lifting his shirt up and over his head. My heart stopped. I wasn't sure if it was from his confession or him taking his shirt off. Probably both.

"What the hell are you going to do?" I asked.

"My guy on the inside is jackin' the evidence they have. That's all we can do. But it should work." He said as he walked towards me and brought me to my feet. He held me in his arms and spread his legs slightly, so he was at my level. "Don't worry about it. I'm not gonna let anything blowback on you. Ever." He said as he lifted my chin with his finger so he could kiss me.

"I'm not worried about me." I said. This was the first time we had said our true feelings without actually saying it. Rio smiled at me and looked down at my lips.

"Don't worry about me, baby. I've been doin' this basically my whole life. I know what I'm doin'. I'm not goin' anywhere." He said as he leaned his forehead against mine. He paused for a moment. I had never seen Rio hesitate like this. Then his words hit me like a car crash. "I love you, Andy Lorenzo. I know I don't show it as I should, but goddamn woman. You've got me wrapped around that beautiful little finger of yours." he said with total sincerity and tightening his arms around me. I looked into his eyes, smiling slightly. "You gonna say somethin' darlin'?" He whispered.

"I love you." I said. He smirked and crashed his mouth to mine. "Fuck I love you so much." I said as he started kissing my neck. I turned us around and lightly shoved him on the bed. I climbed on top of him and decided not to stress the FBI's closing in on us for now. At least for the next hour or so.

I woke up to an empty bed. Next week, I would be heading out to Chicago to check on operations, and Rio was happy to give me the day off. He told me to check in with Eddie to figure out when we would be leaving this Friday. It was going to be me, Eddie, and three others in the crew while Rio stayed behind with the rest of it. There were about thirty gang members in our sector, so I felt okay about Rio staying behind. I dressed in my usual skinny jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers while shoving on my Gucci sunglasses. I pulled up to Eddie's apartment building and didn't bother pressing in the buzzer because some guy was already coming out. I knocked on Eddie's door, and he answers, shirtless and looking a little wrecked.

"Sup?" He asks, motioning for me to come inside. His place is nice, smaller than Rio's but nice nonetheless.

"Dude, did you forget? We're going on a little road trip on Friday. I'm here to work out the deets." I said as I plopped on his couch.

"Oh, shit yeah, sorry. Had a long night." He said, shrugging on a shirt. He plopped down on the couch across from me and took a hit out of the water bong on the table. He offered it to me, and I declined. Too early for me.

"Alright, so, we are gonna roll out around six p.m. I figure you, me, and Dorez can drive my car, and the crew can follow. We make a drop first, then meet with Connor that night at Club Ozone at around midnight and..." before I could finish, Annie comes out of the bedroom, with some obvious sex hair. I smile and look at Eddie.

"Hey, girl!" I said with a big smile. She smiles awkwardly and waves.

"Yo..." She says with some humor.

"Um, you wanna just do this later?" I asked Eddie.

"No, no, I gotta get going anyway. Ben will be home in a couple of hours. See ya later, Andy." Annie said with a less awkward smile, slinging her purse over her shoulder and dangling her car keys. Eddie gets up and walks her to the door. He gives her a short kiss and mumbles something to the effect of "I'll call you later." It was so fucking cute. Annie leaves, and Eddie comes back over, actually smiling. I had known this dude for a couple of months now, and I had only seen him smile like once. "Nice!" I said as Eddie shook his head.

"Shut up, dude. Alright, keep goin'." He said, taking another hit out of the bong.

"I was pretty much done. The drop should be about 5 g's. It was a side job I set up last month. Then we talk to Connor. We leave, follow him to the warehouse. Check shit out, then bounce. Sound good?" I asked. Eddie nodded his head. "I figure we drive back after. It's only about a four-hour drive." I said, scrolling through my phone.

"Alright. You down for some Mortal Kombat?" He asked, turning on his Xbox One.

"Hell yeah." I said as I mindlessly took the controller. I never had time to play video games when I was in the FBI. It was kinda nice to have time to do fun shit.

A few days later, Eddie, myself, and Dorez were in my car headed to Chicago to meet with Connor. Eddie and I fought over the music, which somehow turned into us arguing over a better artist, Machine Gun Kelly or Eminem. Dorez stayed silent in the backseat. I wondered the whole drive who he would have sided with. Eddie got a call on his burner, and I turned down the music.

"Yo." Eddie said. I could hear Rio's low tone on the other end. "Yeah, for sure. We've got about an hour left. Dope bro. Yeah, she is. Wanna talk to her? A'ight late." Eddie said as he handed the phone to me.

"Hey." I breathed out.

"Hey, baby. You bring your nine?" He asked.


"That's my girl. Text me ya'll are on the way back, yeah?" He asked.

"Of course." I said, suddenly feeling a strange feeling. I couldn't explain it, but I felt...anxious. "Hey, Rio?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He said.

"I love you." I said, ignoring the smirk from Eddie.

"I love you, darlin'." He said back. I smiled and hung up, trying to ignore the weird feeling I had. Everything would be fine...

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