Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I woke up to my head just pounding away. I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head, and I tasted blood. The last thing I remembered was Eddie, Dorez, and I was heading into the Chicago warehouse to make our drop and check operations. We were talking to one of the printers, and that's all I remember. I opened my eyes and saw Eddie chained down to a chair. He is passed the fuck out...or dead. I spit some blood and whisper Eddie's name. His head moves slightly, and I thank god. I wasn't sure how I would tell Eddie's mom or even Annie that he is dead. So far, I wouldn't have to.

I lift my head a little and start checking out my surroundings. I am in a shed. It looks like. Eddie slowly starts to wake up. He also spits out a bunch of blood.

"Fuck." He groans. "What the hell happened?" Eddie asked.

"Connor. I think he set us up." I growled. Suddenly, we hear Connor outside the shed. He comes inside with Robert and Mac, aka total dumbshits. "What the fuck, Connor?" I bellow.

"Ay, Andy! So good to see you again, love. I sure have missed ya." Connor said, lighting a cigarette.

"What the hell is this?" Eddie asks.

"Don't worry, you two. It will all be over soon. You see, your boss Rio, he is a massive prick ain't he? Arrogant spick." Connor said as I grimaced. It's about time. We throw him over. Detroit will be ours. Now your friend, the big guy. Dorez? He has been a huge help." Connor said as Robert handed him a bag. Connor emptied the bag on the floor in front of Eddie and me. It was Doraz's severed head. I tensed my jaw, and Eddie looked away. "We've been using him as a good communication tactic. Every half hour that goes by, we send a picture of a limb to Rio and tell him we will keep cutting off limbs until he gets here. We are gonna need the keys to the storage units, the warehouse oh and of course, Rio dead." Connor threatens. I fight back my tears. "Now, I gotta wonder. Why is it that when I told Rio I was going to kill this gentleman here, he was as calm as Lake Eerie, but the second I mentioned you, Miss Andy, a fire in him erupted? I have never heard threats like that before. So I gotta ask, why would fuck him after only a few months and you knew me for almost a year and wouldn't give me a piece of that fine lookin' ass?" Connor asked, leaning down to be at eye level with me.

"What can I say, Connor? Size really does matter." I said, laughing. Connor backhanded me, causing my head to fly back. Eddie struggled, trying to get at Connor. I pulled my head forward and spat out blood onto Connor's feet.

"Funny." Connor says. Just then, Robert whispers to Connor. I look at Eddie, and he shrugs. We couldn't hear what was being said. Connor nodded, then smiled at Eddie and me I. Robert and Mac took our chains off, then I realized they had us in handcuffs as well. They shoved potato sacks over our heads and lifted us to our feet. I heard a warehouse door open, and I was pushed forward. I was forced to step forward a tad more than the bag was taken off of my head. It was still dark out, but I somehow knew it was close to morning. I saw five black SUVs and about thirty Detroit crew members. In the middle, I saw Rio. He looks like a vicious animal, the look in his eyes is terrifying.

"Ah, Rio! I could have sworn I told you it was supposed to be just you." Connor says nervously as Robert tightens his grip on my arm. I had felt a gun barrel on the back of my head, but I was trying to ignore it. Rio spotted me, and his jaw tightened. I didn't know how bad I looked, but by his reaction, it wasn't good.

" think I'm stupid, Connor? I'm giving you a chance to let em' both go. Let that happen, and I won't put a bullet in your head." Rio says, his hands behind his back. There was a lot of yelling and screaming, but my head hurt so bad that I couldn't even focus on what was being said. With Robert's tight grip, my lack of food and water for god knows how long plus blood loss, I was starting to pass out. Suddenly I heard a gunshot behind me. I wasn't sure if it hit me, but I knew I fell to my knees. What felt like hours later, I feel someone behind me. I open my eyes, I turn around, and see Rio.

"Rio." I breathe out.

"Hey, gorgeous." He said, undoing my cuffs with whatever key.

"Hey, keep those cuffs. We might use em' later." I said, smiling. I was half-serious. Rio chuckled.

"Okay, baby, let's get you out of here first." Rio said as he lifted me bridal style.

"Where's Eddie?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around Rio's neck.

"He's fine. He's in the car." Rio says. When he gently puts me into the car, I see our crew lifting Connor and his boys off the ground and carrying them into the warehouse. I knew what was happening. They were going to be shoved into bags and buried. I had no problem with that.

Rio buckles me in and sits next to me. I see Eddie in the back seat, holding his arm in pain. I sigh in relief. Rio is moving my hair out of my face to assess the damage.

"I'm so tired." I said as I leaned into the crook of Rio's arm. He gently rubbed my hair.

"Sleep, baby. Just sleep." He says calmly. I quickly drifted into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, I was in bed. I looked around and saw I was in our bedroom. I opened my eyes, and I sat up slowly. I leaned on my elbows and saw Rio come in from the adjoining bathroom. He smiles and comes up to the bed, and sits down next to me.

"Go, slow baby." He said as he moved my hair out of my face. I winced as I felt my head. "Yeah, he got you good. You got some stitches on the top of your forehead there. Busted lip. Black eye. I gotta admit, it looks hot." he says, smiling. I smiled back.

"Oh, I'm sure. How's Eddie?" I asked.

"He's good. Dude took a good beating to the ribs, but he's healin'." Rio said.

"I'm sorry about Dorez, babe," I said. Rio shook his head.

"Not your fault. Y'all got ambushed. And some good came out of it. We run Chicago now too. We weeded out the bad eggs and kept the good ones. It all worked out." Rio said.

"Yeah, but I should have been more..." I started to say before Rio shook his head.

"Nah, baby. It wasn't your fault." He said as he took my hand into his and kissed it. "You're my queen Andy. I'd sacrifice all my men for you. I'm not a little bitch. I will admit that to anyone." He said as he looked into my eyes. I smiled in disbelief. I never thought in a million years someone like Rio would be my match.

"If I weren't so sore, you would definitely be getting laid right about now for that," I said. He laughed and stood up.

"I know, darlin'." He said as he kissed the top of my head. "I gotta run, but I've got someone here to look after you. Be good." He said as he walked out, and Rhea walked in. I smiled.

"Rhea." I breathed out.

"Hey, hon. How you feelin'? She asks as she sits next to me.

"Like a semi hit me, but I'll live," I said, smiling. "It's a hazard of the..."I said as she interrupted me.

"The job, I know." She said, smiling.

"Listen, Rhea. I gotta ask. This isn't to be weird." I said. She nodded and scoot closer in anticipation. "Why did you and Rio get divorced? You seem pretty chill with" I said. She smiled and looked at her hands. "Sorry, I don't mean to be weird," I said.

"No! No, it's not weird. Um, Rio and I met when we were nineteen. He was the boy momma always warned me about, ya know? So naturally, I was drawn to him. About six months later, I was pregnant. Rio is a good guy, so he married me. We thought it was what we were supposed to do. But at the end of the day, Rio and I were never...never...I don't know the word. I loved him, but we never had that spark, you know? We got Marcus out of it, though. It wasn't so much his lifestyle or job. It was that he wasn't what I was lookin' for. And I wasn't what he was lookin' for." Rhea explained. I nodded.

I wasn't sure where my life with Rio would lead. I knew my life was nothing but danger and chaos, but part of me felt like that's what I was meant to do, like it was in my blood. I honestly couldn't tell if that had anything to do with Rio or not. 

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