Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I couldn't hear anything. I knew it couldn't have been from the gunshot. My ears were used to that shit. Everything was muffled, and I could barely see through the tears. I backed up slowly. Rio took my gun from me and shoved it in his jeans. I could vaguely hear Rio talking to Mick and Eddie when I started to fall backward. Rio grabbed me and held me up.

"Get her home. I gotta meet with the printers. Mick, get him outta here." Rio said as I felt him let me go slightly. Eddie put an arm around my waist and hiked my arm over his shoulder. The next thing I knew, I was in Eddie's car. I felt freezing, and I must have been shivering because Eddie cranked the heat on. I don't remember getting to the apartment. I don't even remember Eddie sitting down on the couch with me.

"Andy. Andy! Can you hear me?" He asked.

"I shot him," I said. Eddie nodded.

"I know. You had to." Eddie said as he ran a hand through his hair.

"I don't regret it. Like..."I said as I took a breath. "I'd kill anyone for him. But, he was the only family I had left." I said, trying to hold back tears. Eddie knew already who I meant by "him." Anyone who knew me well enough knew I would kill anyone or anything for Rio. 

"Hey, that shit is not true. You've got a family. You've got me, Annie, Rio's kid. But above all of that shit, you have Rio. That dude would walk through fire for you. He wasn't tryin' to hurt you. He was tryin' to protect you." Eddie said.

"I know. I know. I'm glad he told me. I just..."I started to say. Eddie put an arm around my shoulder.

"I know, dude, you don't have to explain it. I feel you." Eddie said as he rubbed my arm. I loved Jason, and even though he was a rat, I would always love him. But Eddie was more of a brother to me in the year that I knew it than Jason was our whole lives. What kind of person was I to think something like that? Maybe Jason was right. Maybe I was a horrible person.


I woke up that night sweating bullets. My hair was sticking to my face, and I couldn't catch my breath. I had bolted upright and screamed. I felt Rio's hand on my shoulder, and I jumped.

"It's okay, baby. It's okay." He said to me as he pulled the hair away from my face. "Come on. I got you." He said as he pulled me back slightly. I snuggled into his chest and wrapped myself around his waist. He sat there with me for the next hour, smoothing my hair and calming my breathing. I finally fell back asleep.

Rio had told me the next morning he wanted me to stay home.

"You're trippin' about work, and I don't want you to. I want you to chill for a few days. I know it can be a lot." He said as he tied his immaculate shoes.

"I am perfectly capable of doing my job Rio," I said as I took a hit from my bong. Rio shook his head and stood up. He came over to me, his hands in his pocket.

"Oh yeah? I have never seen you smoke during the week, much less at nine in the mornin'." He said seriously. I scoffed and put the bong down. "I'll be home tonight. Love you." He said as he kissed the top of my head.

"Love you," I mumbled. He left, and I decided to sit outside. A few minutes later, Eddie came outside and sat down on the chair next to me. I grabbed his cigarettes off of the table next to his keys and took one. I lit it and sat back.

"You good?" He asked. I nodded as I inhaled. "Yeah? You don't look like it." He said. I eyed him and rolled my eyes.

"Look, I already got shit from Rio, okay? I'll be fine. Just mind your business." I said. Eddie nodded.

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