Chapter 28

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Eddie and I walked into the bar that was down the street from the house and looked around. It was a modern-looking place and had quite a few people in it. We headed to the back where an empty pool table sat, and I started racking the balls up while Eddie grabbed us a couple of beers. When he came back, he grabbed a cue, and we started to play. About ten minutes into it, a waitress came over and offered us some shots. We weren't about to pass up free drinks, so we took them thankfully. Midway through the night, we were both pretty lit. I looked down at my phone and saw almost one, and I felt like passing out. 

"Yo, let's head out. I am getting tired." I said. Eddie nodded and finished off his beer in one gulp. We headed outside and started walking down the street when I suddenly felt someone grab my ass. 

"Yo man, what the fuck?" Eddie said, turning to the guy who grabbed me. 

"Oh my bad man, is she your bitch?" The man asked. 

"Nah, but come on man," Eddie said, shoving the guy back. I tapped Eddie on the shoulder, telling him to back off. 

"It's cool, Eddie. I got this." I said, then turning to the man. "Listen to me, you backwoods douche bag, I am no one's bitch, and I am about two seconds away from breaking your wrist. Got me?" I growled. The guy looked scared at first, then started howling in laughter. 

"Bitch, you're maybe one hundred pounds soaking wet. Keep runnin' that mouth of yours I will have to shove my..." He said before I cut him off by connecting my palm into his nose. He doubled back in pain, clutching his bleeding nose. "What the fuck?! You broke my nose!"

I shrugged. "I told you. This hundred-pound bitch could have broken your wrist, but I figured you probably need that hand every night." I laughed. The man growled and tried to bum rush me, and Eddie started on the friends. The guy reached me and got a pretty good punch in, busting my lip open, but I had him on the ground in seconds. Before I could put him in a chokehold, my hands were pulled back behind me, and I was spun around. Rio was standing in front of me, looking crazy pissed. He pulled out his gun, and the guys bolted in the opposite direction like a bunch of pussies.

Eddie exhaled sharply and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"I thought I told you to keep an eye on her. That meant keeping her out of trouble." Rio growled.

"Sorry, boss," Eddie answered. I scoffed. Great, my best friend was sent by my...ex to fucking babysit me.

"Just go home, Eddie," Rio said, shoving his gun back in his holster. Eddie nodded slowly and started walking. Rio turned his attention back to me and grabbed my arm roughly.

"Get the fuck off of me," I said as I tried to pull my arm back, not succeeding. Rio led me to his car and roughly shoved me inside. Before I could object, he buckled me in and came around quickly. He slammed the door and started the car. I folded my arms across my chest as he headed towards Rhea's house.

"What the fuck is wrong with you bitch? What part of stay out of trouble do you not fucking understand?" Rio growled. I cackled.

"You never said stay out of trouble."

"You always trying to test me, I swear to God." He said in between his teeth. We pulled up to Rhea's house, and I got out, slamming the car door, Rio following me. I opened the front door and tried to close it before he could come in. Instead, he shoved it open and stepped in.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked.

"I am staying here tonight to make sure your crazy ass doesn't do anything stupid like  go out and get yourself killed."

I chuckled as I started to peel my shirt off.

"Like you give a shit, you just don't want our daughter to grow up without her mother," I said, poison dripping from my tone. I walked back into my bedroom and started taking my jeans off. Rio followed.

"You really think that's the only fucking reason I care? You really are stupid." He growled.

"You're the stupid one. Thinking I can't handle myself. Thinking that I am not good enough for you. It's fucking ridiculous."

Rio laughed at this slightly.

"You're just proving me right. I wanted you out of this game not only to be alive for our kid but because if anything ever happened to you, I wouldn't be able to keep going. That would be it for me."

"I don't want to hear it," I said, moving past Rio. He grabbed my arm and held me in front of him.  "Get off of me."

"No. I need you to be fucking get this shit, so you don't do something stupid."

"Like you know what's good for me. Do you think you own me, Rio? No. I can make my own decisions, and I know what is best for my kid. She needs her dad just as much as she needs her mom. So yeah, I killed Ford. I would do it all over again too. And as for you trying to play the white knight and 'release' me from the life? Go fuck yourself." I said, pulled out of his grip for a brief moment. He pulled me back, and I slapped him across the face, hard. He growled and looked up into my eyes with pure anger. Then something in the space between us shifted. The tension changed. Before I knew it, our lips were crushing against each other, our hands wildly searching each other. The clothes on our bodies were ripped and torn to the ground. Our bodies were moving in ways I didn't know were possible. The pain of being shoved on the dresser and the blood I drew on his back from my nails just intensified every movement.

It was almost two in the morning when we were finished ravaging each other, and I laid in the crook of his arm as he ran his thumb through my long dark hair.

"I missed you, Rio. You can't fucking do that to me again." I said. He bit his lip and nodded.

"I missed you, baby. But I still don't want you doin' this shit anymore." He said calmly this time. I sighed. Not wanting to start a fight and ruin this, I dropped that part.

"Did you find out who ordered the hit?" I asked.

"We aren't sure. We're close, I think. People are talkin', and it's putting us closer. I may know who was involved but not the sole person responsible. But I will figure it out. I don't want you to worry. When does Rhea get back? I miss my kids." Rio asked.

"They miss you. They get back this coming Saturday."

*Fast Forward to Wednesday*

"I don't have time to explain, Andy. Just get in the fucking car, please," Eddie said as he went around to the drivers' side. I adjusted my bag on my shoulder with the necessities in it, and I started to panic.

"Eddie, please. Just let me talk to Rio." I said as I got in and buckled in.

"He is meeting us up there. I know that you and he are in danger, and you gotta get the fuck out of Michigan. "

"Okay, well, where are we going?"

"I am taking you to the airport, and you're going to Rhea's moms' house. We already called Rhea, and she knows you are coming." Eddie said as he drove down the highway.

"Wait, I am not going without Rio."

"He is right behind us. He just had to tie up some shit. Here is the address to her moms, some cash, and a burner. I can't know where you're going or Rio. They aren't gonna let up until both of you are dead."

"Who? Who won't let up?" I yelled.

"The Zorada's," Eddie said, turning onto the runway leading to the private jet waiting in the distance.

"Wait, Rio's attorney? I don't understand why would she want us dead, and why are you talking like it is multiple people?"

"Her and her husband. I can't say anything else. Rio wants to explain it. Just get on the plane, and carry your piece on you at all times. They don't know where Rhea is so that it will be safe. Take care of yourself, Andy." Eddie said as he pulled me in a hug. What in the fuck was happening?

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