Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Being a new mother was no easy task. I was getting barely any sleep, and my boobs were intensely sore. Rio tried to take night shifts as much as he could, but I tried to take all of the nighttime crying fits myself with him working a lot. With our line of work, you have to be on top of it at all times, so a good sleep was actually a necessity.

I woke up to the sound of Izzy crying, and I sleepily got up and headed to her nursery, doing my best not to wake up my man next to me. I saw our beautiful baby girl screaming away in her crib, and my heart melted. She was so perfect. As the weeks went by, her resemblance to me faded slightly, and she was full-on looking like her daddy. I picked her up and lightly shushed her as I kissed her cheeks. I sat down in the glider chair and started to breastfeed her. Once she was done and I burped her, I rocked her back and forth in the glider, lightly humming to her. I thought about my brother and felt a slight pain in my chest. I knew my brother got what he deserved, but a part of me ached to know that Izzy wouldn't know my side of the family. The only family she knew at this point was mommy and daddy, along with her brother Marcus and Rhea. I loved watching Marcus with Izzy. Izzy was only five months and was already sitting up, but watching her sit with Marcus was pure bliss. Rio and I tried to make her laugh as Marcus could, but it was impossible. Her little face would always light up when Marcus and Rhea would come over.

Rio and I were doing great. When he told me to let it go, I did. Since then, I felt more at ease despite the FBI occasionally hitting me up to see if I could give them any information. They were starting to back off, knowing damn well I would never rat. Rio was so patient with me while I got my confidence back. I only had about thirty pounds to lose, and at the five-month mark, I had lost twenty-five, but I still felt broken in some areas. Rio always told me I was crazy and that I looked amazing. I appreciated his words, but I still felt like there were parts of my body that would never be the same. All in all, and at the end of the day, we were good.

I quietly put Izzy back in her crib as she snoozed away. After I gently laid her down, I stood above her crib, eyeing my little creation. I still couldn't get over how perfect she was. I heard Rio come in quietly, and I felt his arms wrap around me. He set his chin on my shoulder as he rubbed my stomach. We watched our little girl sleep, and I knew he was smiling like I was.

"She is so beautiful. Just like her mama." He said as he kissed my neck. I chuckled as he led me back to our room, clearly something specific on his mind. When we got back to our room, Rio lifted my white ribbed tank top over my head and kissed down my neck, sending my hormones into overdrive. He had us on the bed within seconds and had my mind swimming. As his hands roamed every inch of me, I smiled. We worshipped each other to the greatest extent, and it would always be there, no matter how much time went by or how many big life changes went down. We would always know how to get lost in each other.

The next morning, I was sitting in the kitchen with Rhea sipping on our coffee. Rhea and I had made it sort of a tradition for her to come over with Marcus every Saturday to talk mommy shit. Rhea laughed as I told her the story of me losing my wallet and being in the freezer for two days.

"I have never seen Rio laugh that hard. He went into the freezer for an ice pack, and there it was just chillin', literally." I said as I sipped my coffee. Rhea cracking up at this point.

"Girl, mommy brain is a legit thing. No judgments here." As we turned to see Marcus playing on the floor with Izzy, she said, giving her wooden blocks to stack and throw. "How are you doin' besides mommy brain? I know you miss work." She asked. I shrugged.

"I do miss it. But fuck, being with this little one every day makes it worth it. The FBI is still sniffing around. They keep bringing up this "new player" in town. But I have brought it up to Rio, and he keeps telling me to let it go, and he has it handled." I said, looking down into my coffee cup. Rhea did the same, and I could tell she had something to say. "What? Say it." I said.

"That's the same thing he said to me every time I questioned it. It's what I got tired of hearing and eventually led to our divorce." She said to me with a sympathetic voice. "I am not saying that's what will happen to you two. But he has to disclose shit to you, or this will never work. Even more so since you were in on this work before Izzy. It's just as much your business as it is his." She said. I nodded.

"I know." I said. Just then, the door flew open, and Rio came in. He was steadying Mick on one side and Tyrone steadying Mick on the other. Mick looked to be bleeding from his side, and I instantly knew it was a bullet hole. God damnit. Rio took Mick to the downstairs office, and Rhea immediately nodded to me. She scooped up Izzy, and I gave Izzy a quick kiss. She reached for me, but after seeing my face, she laid her head against Rhea. Rhea took the kids and left as I went into the office. Mick was sitting in a chair while Tyrone was trying to clean the wound. Mick took a swig of whiskey as Rio yelled on the phone in Spanish. He was yelling that they were ambushed and hit hard. Rio was unaware that I had been brushing up on my Spanish while Izzy napped for the last five months.

I ran over to Mick and grabbed a pair of scissors, cutting his shirt off of him. I examined the bullet wound and instructed Tyrone to grab the medkit in the hall closet. He complied, and Rio slammed his phone down.

"Is it bad?" He asked.

"No, clean. Wen straight through and didn't fuck any organs. I need to stitch it. He got lucky. I handed the whiskey back to Mick as Tyrone handed me the medkit. Mick was a tough mother fucker and didn't even flinch when I sewed him up. When I was done, I cleaned the site and told Tyrone to take him to the guest room for some sleep. Tyrone nodded and helped Mick out of the office. I eyed Rio as he paced through the office. "What happened?" I growled. "And don't fucking lie to me." I added. He eyed me and stopped pacing.

"We were ambushed by a competitor." He said. I waited for him to explain further, but nothing.

"The new player that the FBI keeps telling me about? The one you told me not to worry about?" I asked. Rio didn't say anything. He just looked at me with a stern look. "Answer me!" I bellowed. He gave me a warning look and squinted.

"I don't have to tell you shit. This is not your fuckin' problem anymore." He exclaimed back.

"Fuck that, Rio. You need me. How can we have eyes on our other locations? How can you be in multiple places at once with a fool like this on your back? Let me get back in." I said.

"Fuck no. Izzy needs you." He said, turning away from me.

"Rhea can watch her! She loves Rhea and-" I said before he cut me off.

"I SAID NO." He said, yelling at me. I stopped and eyed him. He changed his facial expression and came over to grab my hands. "If something happens to me, you have to be here for her. Our girl needs her momma. Got it?" He asked.

"You're scared..." I breathed out. I had never seen Rio scared of anyone or anything. He tensed his jaw.

"Stay out of it. I want you to stay with Rhea for the time being. Don't come back to this house for any reason. If you need anything, let Eddie know. Now get your shit packed and Izzy's shit." He said, leaving me in the office, completely shocked. What the fuck was happening? 

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