Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

As I sat on Rhea's couch, I couldn't help but feel antsy. I can't explain it, but the internal battle I struggled with was making me lose my damn mind. I knew I had to be here for my daughter. She was my fucking world, and I couldn't go out there and play gangster when I knew it could get me killed. But at the same time, knowing my husband was out there fighting this street war without me made my stomach turn. I was good out there. I knew how to win, and I knew how to take care of myself.

I watched Marcus play with Izzy on the floor, and my heart warmed. Izzy loved sitting up and playing blocks with her big brother. Rhea looked at me with sympathetic eyes as she handed me a cup of my favorite lavender tea. She sat next to me and looked at our kids. "He will be okay, babe. Rio has been doing this his entire adult life. Even when we were kids, street life was what he did best." She whispered while comfortingly rubbing my leg. I set my tea down on the console table, letting it cool.

"I hate thinking that he is out there, without me. The thought alone of something happening to him, Rhea..."I started to say before my voice cracked. Rhea sighed and pulled me into her arms. Just then, my cell phone rang, and I didn't recognize it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Is this Andy Lorenzo?" A deep, dark voice asked in a strangely excited tone. I went to the backyard and stood by the fire pit.


"We've got your husband. Bring two million in cash, or I put a bullet in his head." The voice warned.

"How do I know you legitimately have him?" I asked. I heard some shuffling then my heart sank. I could hear Rio groaning in pain, and I instantly jumped to my feet. "Rio? Baby, answer me!" I exclaimed, trying to keep my voice down so Marcus and Izzy couldn't hear me.

"Andy. You stay the fuck there. Do you understand me?" Rio breathed out in pain, clearly tensing his jaw. I could hear in his voice that he was struggling to maintain a calm tone. "Tell my kids I love em'. Andy, I love you so much, babe. Take care of our girl." Rio said. My eyes started to fill with tears.

"No, Rio baby, please. Just hang on." I choked. But before Rio could respond, the phone was dropped and picked up. I gritted my teeth. I was no longer scared. I was fucking furious. I didn't know if Rio was still alive, but I knew I was out for blood.

"Come to the abandoned warehouse on 5th and Truman. Fifth floor. If you want him to live, bring the cash. Come alone and no weapons." The voice growled.

"Where is our crew?" I spit out. The voice laughed.

"Running around like fools, trying to find their beloved boss. If my security detail sees as much as one east side tattoo, I cut your old man's head off. Got it?" The voice threatened. I knew I had a choice to make. I could save my love from a bloody death or listen to him and stay away. I was a mother now. I had a baby girl. But I literally felt like I might throw up at the thought of losing Rio. I knew it was selfish. I knew it was stupid. No, fuck this.

I stormed back into the house and went to the back bedroom. I shoved on my black jeans and my leather jacket. I pushed my feet into my combat boots and checked my phone. I knew Mick and the others wouldn't be contacting me. They knew I would lose my shit if I knew something had happened to Rio. Smart, I guess. But too fucking late. I didn't have time to even think about how the hell they got Rio alone, but the thought of a rat crossed my mind. The crew would never let Rio out of their sight in this type of situation, so Rio had to have been with someone he trusted. I shoved the thought aside for now and stood up from the bed to leave. Rhea came in and eyed me.

"No, Andy. No. You have to be here for Izzy. You can't leave her." Rhea said, starting to cry. She knew what was happening without me even telling her.

"Promise me you'll look after her. We put you down as a surviving guardian, so you don't have a choice." I said, smiling slightly. Rhea nodded. "I have to go get him. Or I have to try. He's how I breathe, Rhea. Without him, I won't make it." I said, trying to hold back tears. She nodded and shut her eyes. I moved past her to the living room and ruffled Marcus's hair as I bent down to kiss my girl. "Mommy loves you, Iz." I said. She looked up at me and gave me a smile that made my heart descend into my chest. The resemblance between her and Rio was unreal. It just motivated me further.

"Is Daddy okay?" Marcus asked, looking up at me. He was almost eleven now, and he was smart as hell. He knew he had to ask, and he knew why he had to ask.

"He will be, buddy. Be good for your mom, yeah?" He nodded.

"I love you, momma Andy." Marcus said as he looked up at me. My heartstrings tugged. Rhea started to cry lightly, and I knew at that moment I was going to make sure this kid grew up with his dad. Marcus and Izzy would grow up knowing Rio. Rio would be there for graduations, birthdays, weddings, all of it.

"I love you." I said, trying to keep it together. I stood up and nodded at Rhea. I was going to get Rio out of this. Even if it killed me.

I pulled up to the large warehouse and put the car in park. When I got inside, I bolted up the emergency stairs to the fifth floor. When I knocked on the large steel door, I was pulled in and immediately frisked. I held my arms up as I searched for my love. My heart sank. I saw him over at the far end of the warehouse, tied to a chair, his head down. I could see blood pouring from his face, and my adrenaline was pumping. I was going to cut someone.

My eyes didn't leave Rio as they checked me over for weapons. A man, a normal-looking white dude, walked over to me. He was bald, dressed in a business suit. Then I recognized him. Bill Ford. He was a white-collar that was currently running for political office in Michigan or some shit. I never paid attention to that nonsense. Wow, what a shock...

"This must be the famous Andy Lorenzo. You are a traitor to the FBI, isn't that right?" He asked. Who the fuck was this dweeb? This is who scared my Rio? I saw Rio lift his head to see me. His left was swollen shut, and he had cuts on his face. His lip was busted on the side, and blood stained his chin.

"Yeah, what can I say? Playing life on the straight and arrow just wasn't for me. But you know all about that, don't ya?" I joked. He laughed a dorky cackle. Rio was now passed out again. He was losing blood and fast. I couldn't see from where but the way he was going in and out was worrying me.

"Touche. Where's the money, Ms. Lorenzo?" He asked seriously.

"In the trunk of my car. Figured you could have your boys grab it, my delicate little self wouldn't be able to haul it up to five flights of stairs." I said, being my typical smart-ass self.

"Ah yes. You can't be more than what 120? Amazing considering you gave birth to your daughter Isabelle only six months ago." He said, clearly threatening me.

"Say my daughters' name again, and I will cut your heart out," I warned. He chuckled and took a few steps towards me as his goons stood on either side of me. Suddenly I felt him backhand me. I spat the blood out on the concrete and smiled. He nodded to the goon on my right to get the cash from my car, I assumed. "Now give me Rio," I growled.

"About that." He said, smiling. "This wasn't really about the money, you see. I mean, don't get me wrong. I will take the two million. However, this was really just because your hubby really pissed someone off. This third party came to me and was willing to pay to have your man killed. Now, I am a charitable man, you see. When I see someone in need, I try my best to help. Your husband has been giving my client so much grief and problems. I decided to finish the job for a rate they could afford." He said as he lit a cigar.

"So what? Some dude who is too big of a pussy to try and take Rio out himself comes to you and hires you to eliminate Detroit's biggest criminal?" I asked.

"Biggest? I wouldn't say that. It won't be long before my organization wipes out the thug eastside distribution operations, and this client will help me do that." He said as he took a drag from his cigar. I could hear Rio wheezing, and my heart was racing. I had to get him out of here.

"So what, he is going to help you overthrow us? Who is he?" I exclaimed.

"Oh, not he, my dear. She." Bill said, smirking. My heart sank. I knew at that moment who was behind this. 

*Note- If Rio dies tomorrow, I am done with GG. I love the show, but honestly, I am getting sick of the writers trying to paint Dean out as this victim and using Rio to get a character's death. I don't even need Rio and Beth together. I want him in the show! 

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