Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I quietly turned my resignation in and tried my best to ignore the judgmental looks I got from people in the office. Little did they know, they were judging me for the wrong reasons. I didn't know what it was about Rio that made me believe in a future of crime. I had never had such a fire inside of me before him. He awakened something in me, and I wasn't sure how I felt about it yet.

Once I was done sending my law career down the toilet, I decided to head back to my apartment and start packing. When I got there, a couple of movers were moving my stuff. They informed me that it was paid for and going to one of their luxury storage units. I decided to start packing stuff I didn't want going into storage. I packed most of my wardrobe and toiletries. My makeup bags were a little ridiculous, but I didn't care. Once my bags were packed, I sat against the kitchen counter, looking around. I wasn't in this apartment very long at all, but I had grown to like it. I was a little bummed I was leaving it. I suddenly started to think about what Rio's place was like. I had imagined it was probably some ridiculous bachelor pad. I didn't know much about Rio and his living habits, so I guess it would be a surprise.

Just then, Mick and Tony came walking in.

"What's up?" I said, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Nothin' much. Here to take your stuff to Rio's if that's cool." Mick said. I nodded.

"Yeah, if you don't mind," I said, showing them the several suitcases I had.

"No problem," Tony said as he easily lifted the heaviest two of the bunch.

"Here is a key to his place. I gotta say, other than his ex-wife Rhea, I have never seen a boss man invite a girlfriend to live with him. He must really be into you." Mick said, picking up a suitcase while I picked one up as well.

"Really? Wow. I feel kinda special." I said, trying to hide my smile. Mick smirked when he inevitably saw it. We had made our way to Rio's, and I was shocked when I walked in. Everything was decorated artistically with an industrial flow. It was gorgeous. It was a loft set up like my old one, except there was a second level with the main bedroom and master bathroom. The master bathroom was huge and had a giant walk-in shower. I walked back downstairs.

"Rio is in meetings all night. He said not to wait up." Mick said.

"Cool. Should I be in on those?" I asked.

"Nah, he said he'd got it," Mick said, leaving the apartment. Wow, was Rio trying to squeeze me out? I was head of his logistics team. Why the fuck was I not included in these meetings? The only thing I could think of was that it was not related to the logistics aspect of what we did. I tried not to dwell on it. It was on a night like tonight that I wish I had friends. I put all of my stuff away and was amazed at how organized Rio was. He even left empty spots for my stuff in his giant walk-in closet. I decided to text Rio.

Me: Bored as fuck. Please give me something to do.

Rio: Nothing to do right now, darlin'. You can check operations if it would make your sweet ass feel better. Beth and her girls should be printing tonight.

I smiled and quickly got dressed for the evening. I shrugged on my tightest pair of skinny jeans and put on a tight, low-cut black long sleeve shirt. I shoved on my faux leather high heel knee-high boots and left my long hair wavy and down. I didn't put much makeup on except for a little mascara. I changed my nose ring to a silver hoop and grabbed my wallet and keys. I got into my car and headed towards the Paper Porcupine. When I knocked on the door, Annie answered the door looking exhausted. I went to the back and saw Ruby leaning her head on Beth's shoulder, also looking beat.

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