This Is For Real

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I sit up completely ignoring how dizzy I feel.

"Mrs. Jeon please You must..." The doctor starts to say

I cut them off...

"Please did you say I was pregnant?"

"Yes ma'am although because We don't have all of our equipment We're not able to tell how many weeks you are We just had to do a simple blood test" The nurse proceeds

"You mean you didn't know?" The doctor asked

"Of course I didn't know Do you think I would drink alcohol if I knew? Don't be absurd" I snap

"I apologize" He says hanging his head. But you do need to rest We would like to give you some fluids until you get back to shore.

Quickly looking around I realized that Jungkook still has not come back up yet.

"Please my husband doesn't know yet I'd like to tell him myself" I lay back down allowing them to continue to examine me.

"Absolutely Mrs. Jeon" The doctor says.

My mind races, my stomach's turning. So when I took the test I really was pregnant. I'm Overwhelmed with happiness. I can't wait to tell Jungkook.

And it just that second Jungkook emerges from the water with his instructor.

His smile instantly vanishes when he sees me lying on the floor with crew doctor and nurse aside me.

He rushes to my side.

"What happened?" He grabs my hand

"Mi amor I'm fine, The doctor here said I must have passed out from too much sun."

"Too much sun that's absurd" he says looking at the doctor

"Well I think it's a combination of too much sun, the alcohol in her system and being dehydrated. The heat can really sneak up on you"

Jungkook strokes my forehead.

"Are you okay beautiful?" He leans in.

Smiling I look into his worried eyes.
"I'm fine darling, much better now"

"We should go home" he says looking worried.

"Home? Oh no no no..mi amor I don't want to go home, I'm fine really I am"
I touch his face.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive, I would definitely tell you if I wasn't ok" I reassure him

He strips himself of his scuba suit and sits down beside me.

My mind is filled with excitement, I want to scream it out to him.. yet I want it to be a surprise.

Once back to shore I'm given some fluids and the doctors tell me to follow up with my physician once I return home.

"How about we go rest for a little bit" Jungkook says grabbing my hand

"Yes that sounds like a plan" I agree

Once back in the villa Jungkook goes to shower.

"Mi amor I'm going to go get us something light to eat before dinner"
I yell out to him

"Okay beautiful be careful"

I head out to the front of the resort where I'm lured by a wonderful smell of baked goods.

"Mmm What is that?" I ask the lady behind the counter.

"I just made a batch of my famous macaroons Would you like some?"

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