Chapter 10

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Baekhyun was stuck on his computer all the night. The morning was coming and you woke up. You sat on your bed and tried to remember of what happened yesterday night with your messy hair. You thought and remembered that you fall asleep on the chair without knowing it.
"How dumb...but how did I come here??"

You stopped for a moment and blinked. You shaked your head and went to prepared yourself. After that, you opened your door and saw Baekhyun opened too. Your heart was beating and you was looking at him. He did the same and smiled.
"Good morning Y/n" He said and went downstair.

"Yea...good morning..." You said in a low voice. You didn't know why you said in a low voice but you felt you was blushing. Then you went downstair followed behind Baekhyun and sat on the table with Baekhyun's mom. She had already prepared the breakfast and ate with Baekhyun.

You felt that you was uncomfortable so you was looking around. Suddenly, something caught your attention in the corner of the house. You looked and took time to see clearly. CCTV?? You frowned and looked at other corner of the house. Baekhyun was looking at you questioning.

"Why are there CCTV here??" You said and looked at him.

"'s for our security of course" He said and ate back without looking back at you. You frowned and continued too. You didn't ask more and let this pass.

Baekhyun's POV

What was that?? I thought she was about to ask me more. And of course the CCTV are for the security they are all over the house but it's not only for security it's for Seoyeon  too. I have to know what she is doing 24/7. I'm like a stalker right??

Author's POV

After eating their breakfast, the boys came in the house for the plan of course. They began to go upstairs in the room and started the plan. It was the day 3 so they were started to be ready. The plan was very detailed and they were having each other role to do.

"Seoyeon, do you remember of what will you do??" Baekhyun asked her.

"Yes, I will knock at the door with Sehun and I will distract him when you guys will enter at the back. And you take my parents out." She said.

"Good and you guys?"

"I will wait at the car until you guys come back." Suho said.

"Kyungsoo, Chen and I will look at the CCTV from the car" Xiumin said.

"And Baekhyun, Kai and I will enter at the back for rescue your parents quickly" Chanyeol said.

"That's right, you guys have to be ready we must make no mistake and give the best of ourselves. Understood?" Baekhyun said with autority. Seoyeon was looking at them and said nothing. She thought if it was their first time or not that they do things like this.

"Yes!!" They said together and went out of another room. The room which Baekhyun told you to not enter. So Seoyeon decided to stay in the room alone for having some time for yourself but Baekhyun looked at her and went to her.

"Want to go out??" He said and she looked at him.


"In a shopping mall" Seoyeon thought and nodded. He went downstairs in his car and she was still upstairs to take your bag. She went in the entrance and he waited her. Seoyeon entered inside and Baekhyun drove away.

Once they arrived at the shopping mall, he dragged her in a shop of clothes. He taked clothes in put on her if it suit or not. She was embarrased so she kept told him that she will choose yourself but he didn't listen to her and continued.

At the end, Baekhyun choosed a lot of clothes and paid almost all. "I said I have money, you don't need to paid" She said.

"I have too money" Baekhyun said teasing her. "Just kidding, I just want to pay it's okay it's nothing" She was embarrased and he kept say he will paid.

There was no bench so she stood up and Baekhyun told her to wait him cause he went to buy some drinks. Seoyeon waited him with 2 bags on her hands and looked around. She thought it was like in Seoul. She wanted to go back there.

Seoyeon thought but suddenly a voice interupted her and looked up who was.

"Heyy" It was a man voice but he doesn't like she knew him. "What are you doing here alone??" Seoyeon frowned and stepped away from him without saying nothing.

He laughed and came again near her. "Why are you ignoring me?? Are you waiting someone??" He pissed her off so she started to spoke up.

"Stop bothering me. Go talk somewhere else" She said in a strict tone and walked again away but suddenly he grabbed her wrist and dragged her away. She felt something on her wrist and looked behind her and felt he dragged her away with him.

"Yah! Let go of me!" Seoyeon said and tried to get off of him. He was too strong and her wrist was hurting. Then she felt someone which came on her hand and pushed near him. She looked and it was Baekhyun.

"Let go of her!" Baekhyun said taking her behind him. The guy was smirking and yelled in the shopping mall that made all eyes on them.

"Aish!! Who are you?!? Get out-" The guy was about to take her back but Baekhyun stopped him by taking his arms and switched it. She backed away a little bit. The guy was in pain.

"Don't come near again and get out of here" Baekhyun said and pushed him away out of the shopping mall. She was looking at him until Baekhyun came back to take Seoyeon.

"Are you okay Seoyeon??" He looked at her concerned. She looked at him and nodded slowly. He taked her by the shoulder and you guys went back in the car.

He drove and she was looking outside without talking. Suddenly, Seoyeon felt something burning on her wrist and looked what was. Her wrist was all red and was still seen some bruises. She didn't thought that he will pushed hdr hardly that made some bruises on it.

Seoyeon covered her hand on it but Baekhyun noticed it. He felt guilty that he let you alone. After few minutes, you guys went off the car and entered in the house. She was about to go back in your room but he took her arm and dragged her in the living room. He made her sat and went upstairs.

She looked at confused and waited him to be back. After few second, she saw him with a aid kit on his hands and he sat down next to her.

He put some cream on his hand before taking her red wrist.
"It will sting a little" He said and put the cream on her wrist. It was sting a bit but she stayed strong. She looked at him saying nothing and let him do.

"I'm sorry...I shouldn't let you alone"

Shz looked up at him and said. "It's not your fault..."

He didn't said anything and was carefully massage it and put some bandage. "Finished"

"Thank you..." He smiled and patted her head without knowing what he did. Seoyeon looked at him for few seconds and smiled. He was looking at her eyes in a different way. Her heart was racing. "And thank you again for today..." She stood up and went to your room letting Baekhyun alone in the living room.

Seoyeon closed the door behind and put her back on the door. She touched her heart and it was racing like it was about to explose. She sighed and shaked her head. "What's wrong with me?? Why do I feel my cheeks are burning??" She said and touched her cheeks. "You shouldn't do that Y/n you know right??" She talked to herself and lie down on the bed feeling hot.

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