Chapter 9

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Sehun and Suho came with drinks and served you guys in the living room. "Who wants some drink??" Suho said and all raised their hands.

He served you a cup and suddenly you asked a question at them. "By the way...why were you watching me from outside??" You popped a question that they couldn't answer.

They all looked at each other with eyes widened and searched as soon as possible a answer. You looked innoncently ignoring what they were doing and waited them.

"Huh....because-" Xiumin was about to answer but Baekhyun cut him off.

"Because we told's our pass time...we did to be sure..." He laughed awkardly and you smiled nodded slowly. You were totally ignoring their behaviors and continued to drink your cup of orange juice.

The night came and Baekhyun dragged you in a room. You decided to sleep alone to not be weird to sleep with his mom. But before entered inside Baekhyun told you something. "Seoyeon..."


"Um...just tell you to not enter in this room..." He pointed the room and you nodded.

"Okayy I won't" You smiled and entered in the room without asking. You taked a shower and went to sleep.

The next day, you woke up and went in the living room. You looked around but nobody was there so you just sat, taked the remote control and watched TV. "Why is there nobody?? Are they still sleeping??" You said and suddenly a person appeared next to you. You looked and saw a woman. You quickly stood up and she smiled.

"Hii, you must be Seoyeon right??" She asked you sweetly.

"Hello, yes I am" You said and bowed.

"I'm Baekhyun's mom, nice to meet you"

"Ohh me too nice to meet you" You said awkardly.

"You must be hungry, let me preapre something to eat for you" She said smiling.

"Ohh it's okay, I'm not really hungry-"

"Pancakes?? Or eggs with bacon??" You smiled at her and decided pancakes. After few minutes, your plate was ready and started to eat. She was looking at you eating like she was happy to look at a girl. "Taste good? I'm not really good at cooking" She laughed.

"Really good thank you" You said smiling. "Ohh and do you know where is Baekhyun??" You said while eating.

"Ohh he went somewhere before you woke up. He will be here in a second." She said. "Why??"

"It's just...he told me yesterday that we will do some plans together with his friends"

"Plans?? For what??" She asked you curiously.

"'s a long story. For short, my parents went to live with a pastor but in reality he isn't plus we discovered that he gives drug to them so Suho-ssi planned something to take back them." You said quickly.

"Ohh he is really weird the pastor. But Baekhyun and his friends still do plans?? I told them to stop" She said.

"Huh??" You said without understand.

"Huh...nothing..." She laughed awkardly and told you to continue to eat. Baekhyun's mom was about to do the same mistake like Sehun. But what is the secret??

Hours passed and Baekhyun was at the house with his friends. "Should we start the plan??" Kai said excitedly.

"Let's go in the room" Baekhyun said and you guys went in a pretty room with a big round table and some paint on the wall. You looked around and they placed a map on the table.

"What is it??" You asked.

"A map from where we are. In Bucheon." Kyungsoo said and you nodded and looked at it. "So first, do you know where is his living??"

"Yes of course, I used to go there every weeks. It's near of a forest..." You searched on the map and found the exact place. "It's here, Kim Church. It's the name"

"It's not far from here. We'll be able to get them back quickly or before something happen like the bottle." Kai said.

"We have to start over the plan as soon as possible. This guy is not normal, he uses drug. The sooner we save them the sooner they will be safe" Chen said. They all nodded and started to assign tasks for each members.

Many hours passed and they were still working on the plan. They decided to get back the parents in 4 days. The plan was so careful and couldn't do in any time.


You guys were all concentred so you made any noise to not stubborn each other. "Seoyeon...I think-" Baekhyun was about to tell you something but he looked at you sleeping on the chair on the side of the table. You was to tired that you fall asleep without knowing.

"Get her in her room Baekhyun" Suho said and Baekhyun nodded. He gently carried you in bridal style and brought you in your room. He put you in the bed and looked at you. His heart was racing just by looking at you.

"Since I saw heart didn't stop to beat..." He said and leaved the room sadly. He went back in the room and sighed before entered back.

"Baekhyun-ah....what's wrong??" Lay asked him following his movement until he sat down.

"Is it about Seoyeon??" Xiumin said. They all looked up at Baekhyun and sighed.

"You know you can't....right??" Chen said. Baekhyun looked sad and looked other way.

" you want to be like before?? You already did like her but she gone" Kai said. Baekhyun looked down and said.

"I just want to help her nothing more" All went silent and continue to do their work. Baekhyun continued too but couldn't do properly like usually. You was in his head during all his work and he couldn't help but thought he was just wanting to help you. But why were you still stuck in his head?? Is there something that he doesn't know about?? Or is he pretending to not be like in the past??

Please Save Me | BAEKHYUN FFWhere stories live. Discover now