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Ok so all villains are good in this AU and all heroes are bad. Dabi is the only exception.

[Third Person]
Shigaraki gazed out the window looking endlessly into the distance, the autumn leaves fell swiftly through the sky.

His head was resting in his hand as he thought about the future and what it had in store. Shigaraki was phenomenal at everything; he never got below 95% and almost always aced his tests.

He never really listened in class but he didn't care much for his grades; there was no-one to impress or scold him at home. He didn't really have anyone in his early life and was bought up receiving no attention or affection.

[Shigaraki POV]

"Shigaraki. Shigaraki. Are you listening?"

I suddenly snapped back into reality as I heard the voice of the teacher calling me out. "Y-yes Sir?" The teacher looked back at me in a disappointed manner, "Just because you do well on tests doesn't mean you can doze off in class." The whole class snickered quietly and giggled to each other. Shigaraki was shy and wasn't really liked by many.

"Why don't you answer the question, Shigaraki? What is x?" Mr. Chisaki said. The bell rang immediately after and Chisaki had an annoyed expression imprinted onto his face.

"Shigaraki-kun!" A high pitched, bubbly voice came from behind me. "Tog-" as I turned around a blond haired girl jumped at me. We both fell onto the ground with a thud.

"Come on! It's lunch, and I'm starving!" Toga said. She gave a small yawn and skipped outside. I got up and decided to head out but a hand was placed on my shoulder behind me.
"You need to do better in class Shigaraki." "S-sorry sir-" I stepped out the classroom and headed to lunch. I sat down in front of Himiko and began eating my sandwich.

We began talking about something to do with food until she randomly said, "You know what would be cool?" Her face lit up with excitement. I was a little scared, "What Toga?.." she jumped up energetically, "If we got attacked by a villain! That way, we can test out or quirks!" I was a little confused on where the sudden thought came from but I didn't really care at this point.

~Time Skip~

The bell rang and it was home time, students rushed out the doors of UA all cheering and laughing. Chatter echoed the halls as they left, me and Toga was still at school doing some homework.

20 minutes passed and we decided to head out, I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulders, holding onto the straps but lifting up my pinky finger being careful not to disintegrate my backpack. Toga walked beside me with a happy expression, humming a quiet song.

Me and Toga had some small talk until it was interrupted by a loud BANG! Smoke and blue flames could be seen from a direction in front of us.

I stood there in confusion and Toga rushed to the scene. "T-Toga! What are you-" Toga gripped onto my wrists and began dragging me with her. "Shigaraki! Come on, we're heroes!" Sweat began forming and ran down my face as I braced myself for what was about to happen.

When we finally reached the scene screams and cries could be heard from every direction. Ash and building pieces was scattered all over the floor. 2 villains was at the scene; one with spiky, jet black hair with scars and piercings that embellished his body, pieces of skin were stapled together onto his face and arms.

The other villain had a black and orange outfit and spiky, cream-coloured hair. He exploded the buildings and had an extremely horrific expression on his face.

I stumble backwards falling onto the ground, body trembling I spoke, "W-where are the h-heroes?!" Toga looked down at me and gave me a big smile that stretched from ear to ear. "There aren't any.... which means we, UA students must do the right thing!"

She was way to happy in this situation and then ran into the scene, "I'LL TAKE THE ANGRY ONE, YOU TAKE THE FLAME GUY" With that she jumped into the scene.

I stood up, my knees shaking... I took a deep breath and tried to lower my heart rate. "I... I can do this."

I ran into the field, head held high. "H-HEY! VIL-" I couldn't finish my sentence when he turned around and our eyes met. His electric blue eyes sent a shiver down my spine as I instantly regretting saying anything.

I looked over at Toga who was fighting the other villain, the blond boy had a furious expression and shouted a lot. Toga and the villain began to get into close combat and their strengths seemed to be fairly matched.

I look back as the black haired boy as he began to slowly walk towards me. I couldn't move my body, I only stood there staring into his eyes as he approached me. He got around 2 metres away from me and I decided to attack, I lunged my arm at him with all my strength but he jerked his head as dodged it effortlessly.

I fell onto the ground and had grazed my knees on the rocky road and could feel rocks inside my skin. I couldn't move because of the pain I was in and if I did move the rocks would be getting deeper into my skin. I heard footsteps slowly approach me. Although he looked like the same age as me, he was much, much stronger.

"Looks like someone's not very smart."

I could feel my whole body quivering in fear. "C-come... near me.... and I'll kill you.." I could feel my whole life flash before me. This is it. I'm going to die, and by the hands of a filthy villain..

In Love With A Villain - ShigaDabiWhere stories live. Discover now