Can I Walk You Home?

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A/N: Ive been mixing up starring and staring God kill me. My friend pointed it out but I was too lazy to change it. No one even reads these :,>
[Dabi's POV]

I stood sat down starring at him, his light greyish hair was all I could see as he was looking down and tending my wounds.

He was exceptionally well at minimising the pain. "Does it hurt?" His voice was shaky and dry, it was obvious he was scared. I was honestly surprised he even spoke, I didn't reply back but just continued looking at my hand. He suddenly stopped and pulled out some black gloves, some of the fingers on the gloves were missing.

He wiped off some of the blood with his uniform and gently slipped the gloves onto my hand. "I don't have any bandages, the gloves should protect bacteria from entering your cuts." He seemed to calmed down a bit and his voice didn't tremble as much; it was more soft yet quiet.

" He seemed to calmed down a bit and his voice didn't tremble as much; it was more soft yet quiet

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"Um.." he said quietly, I looked up and our eyes locked. After a few seconds he quickly turned his head and faced the floor.

He turned over at the door and began banging, he looked very frustrated. "I must do ask, what is your quirk?" He froze in place and glanced over. He didn't reply or speak and just looked down. "You threatened me yesterday, you told me that you was going to kill me if I got close. Was it an act?" I was genuinely puzzled and intrigued. He still didn't speak and just stared on the floor. I gave out a small sigh and slowly approached him; I came closer and closer, his back was pushed against the walls of the janitor's closet. I leaned my head next to his ear, if I want something.. I get it.

I whisper quietly, "Tell me, or else things will get ugly." He tightened his body, "Um.. I can.."

The fighting had stopped a while back when the blue haired boy was banging, the door swung open.

[Third Person POV]

The villains had captured Toga and left swiftly. Pro heroes tried to chase after them whilst Kurogiri was ordered to check all the rooms and inspect them to make sure the villains didn't implant or hide anything inside the school.

Kurogiri immediately started checking rooms as there was no time to lose, he began opening classrooms and bathroom and then finally reached a closet. He swung it open ready to inspect but was greeted by a shocking sight. A villain was on top of a student.

Dabi and Shigaraki instantly froze in space, a red hue covered Shigaraki face but Dabi wasn't fazed. There was a long silence and it was obvious Kurogiri was in confusion. He warped both of them into his office and himself too.

[Shigaraki's POV]

I knew if I didn't explain he would surely burn me to death, as I began explaining my quirk to him, "So.. I can.." the door suddenly swung open and Kurogiri was there.

It felt as though everything was frozen in time because no one moved, not even an inch. I felt like my face was heating up as I realised the position we was in and what Kurogiri must had thought. I closed my eyes shut but when I opened them again we was in a different room; it was an office that belongs to Kurogiri.

There was a desk and 2 chairs in front of the desk, me and the villain sat in them whilst Kurogiri sat behind the desk. Kurogiri's eyes narrowed as he glared at me, I quickly turned away and glanced at my hands and began fiddling with them. My neck started itch like crazy and I couldn't help myself but scratch it; it dug deeper and deeper into my skin until it started bleeding. I felt a hand gripped onto my wrist, the one I was using to scratch my neck which prevented me from scratching it.

I turned around expecting it to be Kurogiri but it wasn't. It was that- Villain..

"Don't do that." His voice was serious and deep, I immediately stopped as I felt another rush of heat enter my face, I quickly looked down and began fiddling with my fingers again.

"Dabi, why are you here." Eventually, Kurogiri spoke, I had millions of thoughts race through my mind - who the fuck is Dabi?

"I have no intension of harming the students."
Kurogiri was clearly unamused with his answer and wasn't convinced in the slightest.

"You, a S rated villain, broke into UA and had no intension to harm the students?" He asked.

A/N : ok so in the AU, villains are ranked from F to SSS. SSS being the highest and F being the slowest. So in ascending order (from lest to most strong) it would be:
F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS.

Dabi didn't move, nor did he react. He calmly put his right hand around my neck (the hand that was injured) "Let me go, or I'll kill him." The instant I felt his warm hand on my neck I jumped a little; it was really warm, almost hot and when it made contact with the open flesh it really hurt.

[Dabi's POV]

He gave out a little jump the instant I put my hand around his neck, he seemed to be in discomforted as he tightened his body. I looked over at his neck and realised I was applying heat pressure to the cuts he had made whilst scratching. I lowered down the heat of my hand he seemed to have calmed down a bit.

"So? What's it gunna be?"

He lowered his head and said calmly, "That would have worked with any other teacher, my quirk can warp you instantly to the police station."

"Um.." a quiet, dry voice spoke, "excuse me, mr K-kurogiri, D-dabi was.. protecting me." His whole body began to shake again.

Kurogiri looked shocked, "Very well, Dabi you may leave. However, if I find out that you are lying, you will be expelled immediately for working with the league. Understood?"

"Y-yes Sir." His voice was harsh and gravelly.
I got up and the blue haired boy followed me.
We headed outside and the sun shone brightly, then quietly, almost like a whisper.. he spoke.

I halted for a moment

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I halted for a moment. He did the same and looked up at me, his ruby eyes gazed into me.


A/N : Thanks For 100 Reads omg ! I didn't expect it to get over 10 🥺, I'm going to be adding more of my trash drawings into this fan fiction so I'm terribly sorry for being bad at drawing 🥺. Please vote and comment on this fan fiction so I can hear your feedback and if you guys want more :,>
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