I wish I could, but I cant.

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[Shigaraki's POV]

On the table side I saw some wooden chop sticks that were still joined together so I snapped them apart and got ready to eat. I felt my heart beating, it was so loud I could hear every second of it.

I looked up to see Dabi stare at me, his icy eyes sent a chill through my body but it wasn't out of fear.. something about him made me want to stare into his eyes for eternity, I was complete lost in them. So lost in fact I didn't notice someone had walked up to our table until they spoke, "Hey Shigaraki, you must meet Mr. Kurogiri on Monday to discuss some things over, I saw you in the ramen shop so I thought I might as well drop by now and let you know."
Stain spoke with a calming voice.

I glance up and gave a soft smile, "Thanks for letting me know, I didn't expect you here." I chuckled, it was weird to see your teacher being a normal person in public.

He turned his head slightly, looking down on the burned male sitting opposite to me. He narrowed his eyes, he reached his hand out towards Dabi.

He gently place it on his shoulder, Dabi had his face down not looking at Mr. Stain, my body was tense and the air was heavy. He went close to Dabi's ear and whisper something but leaning back away. He gave me a friendly wave before he left, I waved back.

[Dabi's POV]

I had my head faced down but I could feel the Pro hero's gaze on me. Damn it. He put his hand on my shoulder, and came in closer and closer. I knew he was going to report me and ruin everything, my expression was emotionless. He came up to my ear and whispered.

"Take care of him."

He then walked away, leaving the store. I look back to see Shigaraki eating his ramen. I smiled and I start eating too, my heart was beating extremely fast. I was on the edge of shaking by how nervous I was, I shouldn't be nervous. I should be confident. But I wasn't, I was anxious and tense. However I could keep myself from letting a small smile creep in once I saw Tomura eating happily. I've only met this boy a few days ago and he's already messing with my head.

After we finally ate I walking him outside standing still next to each other, the sky was already getting dark and the lights were on. It was beautiful, The mall was an vast ocean of colours, lighting up the night sky. I didn't know what came over me but I grabbed his hand (which had a glove on) and pulled him into me. Connecting the space between our lips in an instant before he could speak. I held onto the kiss not wanting to part him, but then I softly left go and backed away from him, breathing heavily.

I open my eyes and see Shigaraki stunned, he was a bright red. "I- You- We-.." he stuttered out, I chuckled. God damn he's adorable. I leaned in and pecked a small kiss on his forehead before handing him a small piece of paper with my number on it and waving goodbye. He was still standing there frozen in shock.

I want back to the hide out with a smile, I the cold wind brushed lighting against my hair as I look up at the night sky. The stars sparkle brightly as I enjoy the peaceful walk back to the base. Once I walked into the base I was greeted by Iida, "Dabi, you're all over the news." He exclaimed. He didn't seem mad though, he seemed more surprised than anything. I headed towards my room and leaped onto my bed sinking into the soft mattress.

I heard a knock on the door before it clicked open. I turned around and saw Bakugou, "Dabi." He has a serious face, he walked in and closed the door. "The night that UA student, Toga Himiko, was caught. She was found to have had escaped the next day. When you came back that day it was already late." He continued, "And I would think that you was the last one left alone with her. There was no way she could have escaped by herself." He explained, each word becoming angrier. I narrowed my eyes, "You think I did it?" I asked.

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