Does it hurt?

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[Dabi's POV]

I sat down at the bar resting my head in my hand whilst starring at a glass. Tenya was cleaning some glasses and wiping the bar.

As he left to go to sleep I stayed, still starring until I finally got up and went outside. I slowly reach for a cigarette and lit it with my finger. I inhaled and then exhaled as I saw smoke exit my mouth. I stare up at the night sky whilst I smoked. A cold breeze passed me sending a chill through my body, the stars were bright and mesmerising.

I sat on a bench outside and just gazed, it was peaceful and quiet. Finally, I finished my cigarette and left to go get some rest. I opened the door, making sure not to wake anyone and entered quietly. I closed it once I got in and got into bed, it was warm and soft - I fell straight into a deep sleep.

I woke up to the sound of a loud bang, sure enough it was bakugou screaming at Izuku again. I turned to my side and tried to continue with my sleep but it was too loud that I eventually got up and exited the room. "God, what the fuck is with all the noise?" Iida looked at me and gestured me to sit down, which I did. He poured me a glass and continued to explain how Izuku got every one including Bakugou, a plushie of themselves that he made. Bakugou apparently didn't like it and was thinking Izuku made it to insult him.

I turned around from my seat and stared at them. I turned back after a brief moment and continued, "so where's everyone else?"

Iida looked up and replied, "Uraraka, Todoroki, Kaminari and Tsuyu are all on a mission to attack UA and take some students as hostage. "K." He stared at me unamused with my answer.

I suddenly remember that the boy I ran into attended UA and it irked me a bit, "hey, remember my other mission yesterday?, to get someone to join our team or whatever?"

I stood up and he I unexpectedly said, "the one which you had failed to achieve? Yes, I remember." I rolled my eyes and whispered under my breath, "you couldn't have done any better."

I turned to him and looked in straight into his eyes, "Well I'm going to make up for it and go on this mission." I proceed to exit the bar before he could make any objections or try to talk me out of it. I headed into the direction of UA as thoughts raced through my mind, I began to question why I was so eager to "redeem" myself. As I finally reached UA I realised I had no specific way of actually getting in. I glanced around the building trying to look for an entrance however, I could not find one. Regardless, I heated my fist and began to punch into the school from behind.

Cuts and bruises formed the more I smashed my fists into the stone wall around UA until blood started escaping from my knuckles. I had created a small hole after my hands were drenched in blood. The hole was soon big enough so that I could fit through - my legs in first and then my head. The instant both of my feet touched the silky grass sirens went of with the sounds "Lock down Lock down" repeated over and over again.

Big metal gates encased the whole school from the outside. "Wow if I would have been any later I would have been crushed.." I thought to myself.

I saw some windows and begin to smash it with my already bruised hand. I felt glass stick to my skin and it made deeper cuts into my hands.

I jumped through the whole in the window and I just started to run in the direction in front of me. I darted up some stairs and I saw a corner in front of me. I ran towards it until someone came from the other side and I stopped. "Shit- a pro-.." I got my left hand ready because my right was cut and bruised, I braced myself as a skinny, light blue haired boy came from the corner. I paused as I instantly recognised who it was; that kid who fell over!

[Shigaraki's POV]

I was in class and I raised my hand to go to the toilet. The teacher, rolling their eyes, said yes and I quickly exited the room. After I was done in the toilets I washed my hands, suddenly sirens went off and the words "lock down" was repeated over and over.

I didn't even dry my hands when I bolted out of the toilets trying to get my way back to my classroom. I made a turn but immediately paused. Water dripped from my hands as there was an awkward silence. A villain was in front of me.

He was the same stupid villain who almost killed me yesterday, what was my luck? I stood there shaking in my own body as I instantly jumped to a voice from a distant, "Children! Come here!!" It was a female voice and she sounded sweet and had a high pitched voice like toga's but it sure wasn't her. "Children! Why don't you come to me?" The voice come closer and closer towards me and I had decided it was coming from the turn I had taken. If that girl makes this turn I'm toast.

I looked up and realised I was cornered - there was a villain in front of me, with scars and I could hear a villain coming towards me from my right.

Without hesitation the villain in front of me lunged at me and covered my mouth. I tried to speak but nothing came out and he threw himself and i into the janitors closet. The door shut quietly as I heard the girl walk pass "huh, I'm sure I heard someone here". With that she was gone and I was in a closet stuck with a villain. The closets in our school shut from the outside, I thought to myself.

I turned my head slowly as I looked at the villain with the staples. He was facing down shaking staring at his right hand.

Did this villain save me?

No, that's not it. Why would he save me if he works with these people?! I glanced at his hand trying to make sure he didn't see me look at him, it was covered in glass with rocks and cuts.

There was an awkward silence between us as we were both trapped in a closet with no way the get out. The closet size didn't make it any better either - it was small and I was almost making contact with this "villain".

I didn't know why, but I said subconsciously, "thanks." I froze in place realising what I had just said. I could feel him looking at me even though I was staring at the door.

Soon, the silence was broke when we both heard massive bangs and it was then ether we both realised there was fighting.

"Um so.. please don't kill me." My voice was shaking when a thought came to mind. Maybe he didn't kill me yesterday and wanted to finish his job..

He gave a small chuckle and didn't answer back. I turned to look at him and saw that he was slowly trying to remove the glass from his hands. He tried to remove them but his hands were shaking which made the cuts even bigger and the pain worse. I grabbed his wrists gently and tried to help him out. I was beaten in the early years of my life and even now at night, my dad use to abuse me and use wine bottles to try break my hands because of my quirk I couldn't control, if anything, i was expect at removing glass from hands.

As I did, he didn't move or resist.

"God this is awkward," he said. I giggled, "does it hurt?" I asked.

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