I hate you.

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[Shigaraki's POV]

It was currently 1am, my phone was about to die and I didn't have a charger or a place to put it. Toga gave me her old phone a while back and charged it at her place, I didn't use it much so I put it in my backpack whenever I went to school.

I was laying on the concrete floor looking over the messages, I couldn't stop staring at what he sent. I know I shouldn't care, and it's better off this way because he's a villain but I felt my heart shattering the more I read over the messages. I couldn't help but feel like it's my fault.

He said I was disgusting. Maybe if I wasn't so hideous would he like me then?

He said he wasn't attracted to me. Maybe if I wasn't so ugly would he like me then?

He said I was a creep. Maybe if I didn't look like a worthless pile of shit would he like me then?

He told me to kill myself. Would it be better if I did? Would anyone care? Would it make him happier?

I questioned myself, I questioned everything. I blankly looked at my phone as silent tears fell down from my eyes.

Maybe it was something I said.. did I mess everything up?

My whole body felt weak, the names he called me was scarred into my mind and I tried not to think about it but it wouldn't go away. My phone was on 23% and that's when I shut it off and put it back into my backpack. I turned into my side clutching the newspaper that covered me. I close my eyes tightly and fall into a deep sleep.

[Dabi's POV]

I put my phone down as I laid on my bed. I couldn't stop thinking about "him" but I knew that he wasn't worth my time so I shrugged it off and tried to get him off my mind..

I went through the bar and walked outside the door, closing it behind me quietly. Sitting on a near by bench I gazed up at the stars, it was so calming and tranquil; you couldn't hear anything but the gushing wind that passed by every now and then.

I fell asleep on the bench not noticing until I woke up the next day to Bakugo shaking me violently. "Oi, wake up." He shouted, I looked up at him, rubbing my eyes as my vision went from blurred to focused. "W-what?" I asked yawning right after. I almost fell asleep again until he shouted once more, "All might said that we failed to capture the UA students so he wanted you to burn the place down instead. That would force everyone out of the building whilst we wait outside and ambush them." Bakugo explained. I seriously wasn't in the mood for anything today. I let out a groan, "K." I managed to make our before stretching.

"We're heading there right now, you will be the only one going in. Set the place on fire then immediately get out." He emphasised "immediately" with anger in his tone. I sighed, the door of the hideout clicked and a few people walked out; Uraraka, Todoroki and Kirishima. Bakugo then headed to UA as everyone followed.

There were no cars and the streets were quiet, everything was still. Uraraka nodded as she lightly tapped me, I began floating going higher and higher up into the sky. The UA building was quite tall and once I was slightly above it, Uraraka released her quirk, I landed swiftly on top of the UA school. I looked around and saw a door with some staircases leading downwards so I quickly made my way to the door and headed down. I made it somewhat close to the middle of the building when I decided to set it on fire.

Effortlessly, I put my hand out and a burst of blue flames formed creating such immense heat that the instant I used my quirk the fire alarms went off. The alarms rung through the school as the once noiseless halls were filled with panic and screams. I knew I needed to be quick and make my way out of the school as soon as possible to meet up with Bakugo and the others.

However, as the crowds of students and teachers rushed out of the building I spotted a light blue hair boy still inside a classroom.

Curiosity took the better of me and instead of making my way out of the building getting ready to ambush the students, I went and peered through the door. Everyone was rushing down the stairs and panicking, all the classrooms were empty and everyone was pushing to get out of the front door but this boy stayed inside. The classroom was empty, chairs and tables were knocked over, paper scattered all over the floor.

He stayed sat down at the corner of the room, staring down at a small piece of paper that was clenched into his hands. I shut the door behind me walking closer to him slowly, I looked up at me with fear filled eyes but didn't move. "Dabi.." his voice was breaking and raspy, it almost seemed like it was painful for him to even say his name. "P-please.." be stuttered, shaking. I didn't flinch but instead kept walking to him.

I finally reached close enough to the point were I was staring down at him, he was still sitting on the floor.

In an instant I grabbed him by his hair and dragged him up then I used my other hand to grab his neck and pin him against the wall. Shigaraki didn't struggle, in fact he didn't move. Shigaraki looked up slowly and gave a weak smile whilst still being pin to the wall by his neck.

[Third Person POV]

Dabi felt anger engulf him, did he think this was funny? He began violently punching shigaraki in the face causing him to bleed from his mouth. Dabi breathes heavily grasping more tightly onto shigaraki's neck, he tightened his grip as Tomura gave out a small yelp gasping for air.

Dabi then paused, his breathing grew heavier as sweat began dripping from his head to the bottom of his chin.  Then let go of his gasp to instead clench onto Shigaraki's hair pulling him closer as he rammed his knee into Tomura's abdomen forcing him to let out a scream of pain as blood gave out of his mouth. Dabi repeated this over and over. Until even he grew tired and let go.

As Dabi released his grasp shigaraki fell lifeless onto the ground, bleeding out all over his body. His body went numb and he was emotionless, he couldn't hear anything, all he could hear was a continuous ringing sound.

His vision got blurred and then it went black. His blood was everywhere and more was still exiting his body.. if the wounds weren't patched up, there wouldn't be enough blood to carry oxygen around the body causing his organs to stop functioning. He could die from bleeding if nothing was done.

And Dabi knew that.

Hope you enjoyed ? 😳💕 2 more chapters and the story's over! 😔💕💕 Thank you for all the support like- omg.. AND LIKE ALWAYS.. HERE ARE SOME SPECIAL BEANS THAT JUST DESERVE THE WORLD!

-ANGELYIKS Star_Helen34 WyvernApocalypse ablossxm Boo_po Engnyl Shigadabi_

These people are all amazing! And so are you! I love all of you so much!!🥺💖💕

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