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[Dabi's POV]

I tapped on it.

The video began to play as I smiled ready to watch what I was hoping for would be some kid getting beat up.

As the video began to play, my expression dropped. My firsts tightened as I realised who it was that was getting abused. I shouldn't care about it. I shouldn't care about him. In fact, I should be happy.. but I'm not.

As the video played on, the blue haired boy began to bleed and whimper. Tears streamed down his face and I couldn't do anything. I just stared at the screen and watched, when the video ended I was frozen in place, staring at the black screen. my heart sank.

I sat there. I began replaying the video over and over to double check. To triple check. To quadruple check it was actually Shigaraki. The more I watched him get abused in such a horrific way the more I wanted to watch those 3 boys burn. I tried to convince myself it wasn't Shigaraki but as I began replaying the video over and over I was certain it was him..

I eventually came back to my senses and scrolled down to the user who uploaded the video. I went on their profile and began trying to find their email that was connected to the account

*Knock Knock* I glanced over at my bedroom door, "Who is it?" I asked. There was a brief second of silence before a male voice spoke. "Hey Dabs, have you seen Bakugou anywhere? I wanted to ask him if he would-". I replied back cutting him off, "No I haven't. I think you should check the bar, Kirishima. Also, don't call me Dabs." "Alright Thanks!" He answered energetically and walked away.

I immediately focused back onto my phone. After a few more minutes I succeeded in finding his email. I sent a message to the email that went something like..

Hey there,

My name is Lily and I'm a hottie, I live around your area and I wanted to ask if you wanted t hang out.

I was almost certain this wasn't going to work but he replied after a few minutes.

Hi TouyaTuwuwuwu@gmail.com,

Your email literally contains a Male name.
Please leave me alone.

The email he sent me made me a little annoyed but I didn't mind. All I needed was for him to send me an email back so I could track where it came from.

After a couple of hours, I found his IP address and with that I was able to locate his area he lived him. It was around 10pm but I didn't hesitate to move. I closely got out of my bed and placed my phone in my pocket and headed out my room. I went to the bar, my head filled with one thing, and one thing only.

I placed my hand on the door knob, "Where do you think you're going?" I jumped a little at the sudden question. I turned around to see Iida staring at me with a serious face. He was wiping some glasses with a cloth, I unlocked the door and pushed it open. The cold, night breeze sent a chill through my body as I glanced back at Iida.

"Just wanted to watch some things burn."

The instant I stepped outside the air grew heavy and tense. I shut the door behind me and took out my phone. A map with directions was set on my phone when I entered in his location, with every step I took I could feel my heart begin to beat faster. Eventually I reached a house that was a moderate size, all the lights were off. The night grew silent, all you could hear was the branches that crackled when they collided against each other, the wind that howled ever so quietly and the screams that will drown in flames once im done with this house.

I approach the door slowly.


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