A Bit Too Viral

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[Third Person POV]

Search patrols were sent out to look for Toga Himiko, however it was to their surprise when she came to school on Thursday unharmed.

Shigaraki woke up, removing the piece of newspaper from himself and headed to school with his backpack on one shoulder. He began walking staring up at the sky, he started to remember everything that happened yesterday and a rush of heat shot threw his body. He instantly looked down onto the floor as he grew a bright red.

Thoughts clouded his mind and before he knew it he was already at school. He entered the gates and went to his locker where he was greeting by his best friend.

[Shigaraki's POV]

He quickly got all his books and headed to class with Himiko. She looked extremely happy and kept giving me glancing and then giggling right after. I was genuinely confused but shrugged it off.

I quietly entered the classroom and sat down, Toga sat next to me and the whole class was chatting and whispering until our teacher had came in and settled us down. He looked uneasy and began to explain to us what happened yesterday.

"Alright class.. as you know, the League of Villains attacked UA yesterday and took one of our students. They took Toga Himiko."

My expression immediately dropped as I felt sick in my stomach. I quickly turned to Toga but she wasn't fazed, she just continued to stare at the teacher with a huge smile.

I was puzzled but continued to listen as well.

"Himiko was taken for over a few hours however, she was found safe and sound on Thursday at school. The Leagues intentions are still a secret so may everyone here stay calm. We will get through this, and I thank you for your bravery and understanding"

The teacher finished, he then sat down and began starting up his laptop.

The lesson was boring and when it ended I quickly jolted up and grabbed Toga out of the room. Luckily I had my gloves on so she wouldn't be disintegrated, I found a bench outside and threw her on it before sitting down as well.

I began sweating and started asking a bunch of questions but she just looked at me with a smile, "You worry to much Shigi-Kun!"

I was shocked and almost frustrated that she didn't even care about her safety, "Y-you.. YOU COULD HAVE DIED." I screamed, attracting the attention of almost everyone outside.

She turned towards me and grinned, "I'm safe aren't I? Let's not worry about the past and focus on the future!" She said joyfully. I was stunned by her reaction and I could feel my eyes twitching in anger.

She spoke again, "And let's just say I had some.. important information they couldn't resist." I was so confused at this point but I decided to listen to Toga and focus on the present.

"I think you're crazy Toga.. Stupid and crazy.." I said.

"Yet here you are talking me." She answered, we both giggled and laughed. We began talking about life and we both stared at the light blue sky until the bell rang and we headed off to our next class.

After school, Toga said she needed to go home early because she wanted to try make a rainbow cakes with all different flavours, she asked me if I wanted to come but I politely declined and stayed after school like usual to do some homework.

[Third Person POV]

"Hey Shiggy" a mocking like voice could be heard from behind so Tomura turned his head. He saw 3 boys looking at him with a grin, "Oh Shiggy~" they repeated once more. "Please don't call me that, only Tog-" he got cut off unexpectedly by a harsh comment that made Tomura instantly grow angry.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot your crazy girlfriend was the one who called you that." The boys answered back.

Tomura wanted to yell and scream at them but he didn't want to make a scene so he just turned around and continued on with his work. He gave out a quiet sigh and hoped they would just go away.. but they didn't. He had finally had enough and decided to leave, he packed his books and headed off. He left outside the gates until he was stopped, he felt a hand grab onto his backpack and he could hear the person unzipping it.

"H-hey!" Tomura shouted but his weak body wasn't much help. He tried to pull the hand away but he saw his books being throw out of his backpack and onto the road. Luckily there was no cars but the ground had really messed up some of his school books.

He turned around to see who it was and to no surprise it was the same 3 boys who was mocking him before. They pushed Tomura onto the ground and began kicking him, Shigaraki could feel his eyes began to tear up.

"Guys! Guys! Look! He's going to cry!" Said one of the them as Tomura tried to use his hands to shield himself from the punches and kicks. "Come on! Take your phones out! This is going to go viral!" One of the boys backed away and quickly grabbed his phone.

He started recording and soon the boys left. "I.. I thought you guys were meant to train to be heroes..." he thought to himself.

His face was covered in bruises and scars, he even had some cuts which led to bleeding. One of the guys kicked him so hard in the head he began bleeding from it, Tomura just sat there silently as tears cascaded down his face. He eventually got up and collected his books from the road and placed them back into his broken backpack.

[Dabi's POV]

"Damn. It's so boring when you're not on a mission.." I thought to myself as I laid on my bed. I took my phone out and began looking through the internet for some entertainment, I went on "uwuTube" and started scrolling down my recommended until I saw a video on #1 trending.

The video was called, "Skinny weak boy tries to fight gets fucked up!"

The thumbnail was a boy on the floor, covering his head with his hands trying to defending himself.

I tapped on it.

Who doesn't like seeing stupid idiots thinking they can fight actually get what they deserve?

Thank you so much for 500+ reads! I cannot draw so here's a stupid little doodle of myself (I tried!) I will be making more parts very soon!! Hope everyone is staying safe! Thank you these awesome beans for always voting and commenting! :

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Thank you so much for 500+ reads! I cannot draw so here's a stupid little doodle of myself (I tried!) I will be making more parts very soon!! Hope everyone is staying safe! Thank you these awesome beans for always voting and commenting! :

Boo_po   ibakuwu   sky_ramen_

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