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[Shigaraki POV]

After we ran a reasonable distance away from the battle field I paused and took a deep breath panting continuously. Toga stared at me but didn't seem to be fazed.

I looked up and met Toga's eyes, "T-toga A-are you.. okay?" She stood there was a massive smile.
She took a deep breath and finally spoke. "Shigaraki."

I looked around nervously. Had I done something wrong?..


I stood up with a sigh of relief, "and here i am, thinking she got herself hurt" I thought to myself. Toga kept on talking and soon we had reached her house. The setting sun gave an orange hue to everything as the busy cars passed by. "Okay! Well I'll see you tomorrow!!" She said with a cheerful smile. She inserted the key into the door and entered.

Shigaraki then proceeded to walk home, the glistening sun shone onto his face as he reflected back on what happened that day.
Everything that happened seemed to be almost unreal, all he could think about was that villain and his sharp, diamond-like eyes.

He began laughing to himself and placed his hand on his head. "At least I'm alive." He said with a chuckle as he walked into the distance.
"He could have so killed me, but he didn't." He paused and thought about it for a moment.

"Villains are stupid."

[Third Person POV]
Shigaraki finally reached an alley way where he decided to rest for the night; Shigaraki didn't have any parents and was abused early on in life, when both his parents died he was left homeless. No one really knew about this, not even Toga - he didn't want anyone knowing.

He took off his school bag which he had found in a trash can near the school and decided to make use for it, he laid down in his UA clothes to rest for this night, the wind howled at night and Shigaraki could not sleep.

Shigaraki sometimes came to school with bruises because gangsters would come at night and beat him up. He didn't do much because he knew he could kill them if he wanted too, but he was a "hero".

He was use to the pain at this point and tried to not let it bother him. His hair was always a mess, his clothes were always dirty.

As Shigaraki laid on his back he stared up into the sky, the clouds were gone that night revealing a beautiful star-filled sky.

He couldn't sleep but instead gazed at the sparking stars above and soon his eyes shut.
It was cold that night but he wrapped himself with some newspaper and that seemed to do just fine.
Sorry for taking so long to update, because of the corona virus I had a shit ton of work to do 😭 hope you guys are going fine and stay safe! I'll update soon.

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