Parted Ways

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[Shigaraki's POV]

"Can I walk you home?" I asked quietly. Dabi halted so I did the same, it was although he was thinking.

"No" he said, in a monotone voice, no emotion in his words. I looked down and carried on walking, we walked the same way and throughout it all we didn't speak. I tried to break the silence by asking him a few questions but he didn't answer them.

I almost had reached my little alleyway I slept at almost every night and decided it was time to part ways. I headed to the alleyway and sat down on the clutter of newspapers.

I laid down and covered myself when some sheets of newspaper and tried to fall asleep. Dabi carried on moving taking a different turn and soon he was gone.
I felt an urge to get up and look for him but I was too tired.. I instantly fell asleep.

[Dabi's POV]

I walked back to the hideout, the sun had just set and everything grew dark. I entered the base and was greeted by a UA girl, who looked very familiar, tied to a chair. She had blond hair, which was in 2 very messy buns.

"HA! THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR FIGHTING WITH ME!" Bakugou screamed at her. Oh now I know who she was, she's the friend of that blue haired guy who fought Bakugou. Iida walked up to me and stared me straight into my eyes, " where were you." I was genuinely confused as I thought I made it back quite quickly. "I went on the missi-" He cut me off, "The team that went to capture this.. girl.. came back 3 hours ago."

I looked at the clock that hung on the wall - 12:30 am. "K" I simply replied. Iida began a whole lecture about how I might have been caught and how it's dangerous at night with all the heroes patrolling etc. I proceeded to head to my room until I paused to the sudden sound of a high-pitched female voice, "Is Shigaraki safe." It was obvious she knew that when Shigaraki left to go to the bathroom, he didn't come back which lead her to think he was hurt. God damn, she really do cares a lot about that ugly piece of- never mind..

"He wasn't harmed. I'm certain of that." No one was in the room anymore since Iida only came to lecture me and bakugou had left too, they both went straight back to sleep. I suddenly didn't feel like going to sleep and sat on a chair facing the UA student. We had a whole conversation until 2 am..
It went something like..

[Dabi] Hey, blondie.
[Toga] Huh? Aren't you going to bed?
[Dabi] It's 12:32am, and I'm not sleepy yet. Anyway, I have a lot of questions, consider this as interrogation.
[Toga] Alright! Ask away!

Toga was seemed really happy and genuinely didn't mind being asked questions.

[Dabi] You know your friend..
[Toga] Shigaraki-kun?
[Dabi] yeh.. what his first name?
[Toga] Tomura! But no one calls him that, only I do sometimes because we're really close!
[Dabi] oh alright, what's his quirk?
[Toga] It's decay! If he touches anything with all 5 fingers it disintegrates to dust!
[Dabi] Ah I see..

The night went on, I began asking more and more questions. This Tomura guy seemed to have intrigued my interest.. Soon the "interrogation" ended but she turned the tables and asked me a question.

"Can I ask you just 1 question? Pweese!!" She pleaded and begged.

[Dabi] .... alright.
[Toga] Can you untie me.
[Dabi] No.
[Toga] If you untie me I'll give you valuable information..
[Dabi] What's the "information"?

Toga's smile widened and her eyes narrowed as she stared into me.

"If you untie me.. I'll tell you Shigaraki's favourite food." She said in a quiet tone. The question took me by surprised and I flinched contemplating on what to say.

Before I knew it, it was 2 am already. I got up and headed to my room and closed my eyes. "Why was I asking so many questions about Tomu- Shigaraki?.. Why didn't I ask her about UA's school layout.." I thought about it for a moment until I came to a conclusion, "Maybe it's because I needed information to come up with a way to kill him next time... yeh that's why.." my thoughts drifted away as I fell asleep.

I awoke to the usual screaming, however, it was Iida this time.. not bakugou. I slowly got up from my warm bed and felt a rush of chills go through my body. I exited the room and saw Iida panicking, "SHES GONE! SHE DISAPPEARED."

Thank you for reading! We almost hit 200 reads! Please consider following, I'm sorry but I suck at art and I tried my best, stay safe!(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧

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Thank you for reading! We almost hit 200 reads! Please consider following, I'm sorry but I suck at art and I tried my best, stay safe!(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧

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