Is that so?

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[Dabi's POV]

I placed my hand on the cold door handle as I slowly began to burn it and melt it off. After I was done, I carefully entered the house going straight upstairs; that's where bedrooms tend to be.

I walked around making small movements trying not to wake people in the house, peered in every room until I found one that had blue wall paper and hero figures everywhere. The room was messy and you could see his UA uniform hung up, I instantly knew that this was who I was looking for and approached the room, entering it. I walked quietly over to his bed and stared at him.

He had brown hair and was sleeping peacefully, freckles were scattered across his face like sprinkles on a cake.

A pulse of heat shot through my arm and out of my arms as I emitted a bright blue flame. I began burning everything; his UA clothes first then all his merchandise and soon everything was a heated mess.

The boy who was sleeping peacefully, then woke up due to the immense heat, he looked into my eyes not really making out who I was. However, the instant he knew it was a villain, his eyes widened in both fear and shock, his whole body stood frozen in time as he watched his room on fire. I walked closer to him, "Don't touch Tomura." I stated emotionlessly whilst I held my hand up to the his face.

[Third Person]

A scream could be heard that belonged to a kid, the parents immediately woke up and rushed to their child's room to see what he was screaming about. The room was on fire with the boy laying on the floor covering his face, "Oh my sweet baby!" The mother ran towards her child and held him in her chest as he cried whilst she ran circled around his back trying to calm him down. The instant he looked up at her she was horrified; his whole face was burned, some of his skin even gone revealing a layer of pink flesh. He was shaking and quivering, "I-it hurts.." His eyes were watery and tears started to build up. The instant his salty tear collided with his flesh, pain rushed through his body; it was like someone poured acid on his face and it started to burn his skin off. He felt like it was killing him from the inside out, he started crying more from the pain and this caused even more discomfort. He curled up in his mother's arms crying in agony.

No one else was in the room. Dabi was gone.

"Sweetie... everything's going to be alright.. do you know who did this?" Her voice was quaking be she tried to keep strong, her was also crying seeing her child in pain. "U-um it w-was.. a v-villain." She was shocked. Th dad came back with a fire extinguisher and began putting out the fire as the mother got a wet towel and starting rubbing off the blood trying her best to not put too much pressure on him.

~Time skip~

It has been a few hours since the incident happened, it was all over the news. The parents thought it would be best to go to UA and describe the villain to them. All the heroes was gathered in a big table with the child and his parents there too.

"So. Mrs UwU, could you explain what the villain looked like?" Kurogiri asked calmly, "w-well, he has fire powers." Kurogiri's body tensed up.

"H-he has scars all over his body." The boy spoke up, everyone in the room looked at each other. "Was the fire blue?" Chisaki asked. The kid nodded.

"H-he also told me not t-to.. touch T-Tomura."
Kurogiri expression dropped immediately remember what happened a few days before.. (He found Dabi and Shigaraki in the closet.)

Hehe closet. Sorry I just had to make a gay joke there.

"Oh. Is that so?" Kurogiri asked.

The kid simply nodded. "I- I think he's working with villains.." the kid stated, "I think he s-should be expelled.." he continued.

"Did you do anything to Tomura? I don't understand by Dabi would say that if you didn't do anything to Young Shigaraki." Stain asked, curiously.

The boy looked down, "u-um.." the parents looked at the boy concerned, "I hurt him.. b-but I didn't mean to!" The parents looked disappointed now.

"I see." Kurogiri said. "I will talk to both you and Shigaraki on Monday to discuss your punishment." He told them. The mother looked furious, "Excuse me?! My son does not deserve to be punish. He is the victim here." She yelled at them. Breathing heavily, she slammed her fist onto the table. "Hey honey.. it's alright. Our son will talk to you on Monday" the dad added.
😳💕Thank you for reading!! Also thank you for 100 votes!! Aaaaa it means so much to me!!
Also I made a new book on my drawings, it would mean the world if you checked it out! 🥺👉👈💕 Anyway thanks for voting and commenting i luv you !

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