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[Shigaraki's POV]

It was Sunday morning, the sun was a warm yellow and blanketed the whole city in sunlight. The clouds looked fluffy and cream-like, I slowly got up to the sound of chirping birds singing their beautiful melody.

I got up from my small little ally way and went onto the sidewalk where I was greeted by the sun showering me with warmth and light. A rush of pain shot through my body as I remembered what happened yesterday, I made my way around the city looking for something to eat; having no home and no occupation it was hard for me to have a good income, therefore I resorted to finding food from bins. It wasn't all bad, most people are wasteful and I could sometimes find a good sandwich or two.

I had been walking for quite a while now and I had finally located a small local bin outside some bakeries and I began searching. I reached my hand inside and I could feel empty boxes, each time I moved my hand around i could hear the cardboard rattle as they clashed against each other. Suddenly I felt a small weight on my shoulder, it took me by surprised so the instant I felt it I gave out a small squeal. I turned around to see a villain, but I wasn't scared. He raised his hand up to my face and began touching me and inspect my body, "Are you alright?" he asked whilst lifting up my UA shirt, "U-um" I was nervous and kinda hot, my face was a blushing mess and I gave another squeal once I felt his hand on my chest.

He eventually stopped and looked at me with concern.

[Dabi's POV]

I was walking along the streets looking for a good place to eat when I came across Tomura, he was searching through the bins and he didn't seem very bothered by it. I was genuinely sad as I saw him salvage for food so I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He gave out a small squeal which was extremely adorable, he turned around and our eyes met. I immediately began touching him and inspect his body to see if he was hurt in anyway, I started by his face where there were visible scars and bruises that weren't there last time I saw him which led me to believe it was them stupid bullies who hurt him. "Are you alright?" I asked with worry in my tone.

Anger began to fill my body as I urgently went down his body, I lifted up his UA shirt to uncover an array of purple and blue bruises that embellished his small delicate body. I place my hand on a small wound that seemed to be quite recent and then he jumped, he continued to inspect him noticing more cuts and injuries. I eventually let go and look up at him concerned, "Are you hungry?" I asked quietly. I noticed that his body was extremely small for a teenager and that his ribs are ere showing which wasn't a good sign.

"A l-little.." he answered back, he was so quiet I could barely make out what he said. I sighed, I looked down and saw that he had a glove on and I instantly remember that I had his other glove. "Oh um. Here." I said, reaching into my pocket and pulling out a black glove, "you gave it to me remember?" He took it and put it on making his lonely glove have a matching pair. "Come on Im taking you out."

The instant he put his glove on I grabbed his hand, he jumped and seemed surprised but I didn't make a big fuss out of it. I was wearing a black hoodie and some black skinny jeans, I put my hood up trying my best not to get noticed by the locals. I ran my hand through my ash black hair and I entered the shopping centre where I was greeting by an astonishing display of shops, different colours filled every corner and it was all overflowing with laughters and smiles.

A restaurant quickly catches my eye, I led Shigaraki to the restaurant and asked for a table of 2.

I quickly ordered and we waiting silently for our food. I turned and glanced over at Tomura but he was looking down a bit nervous I would have guess. He hand a hand resting on the table so I simply put my hand on top of his, I didn't think much of it.

After a few minutes our food finally arrived and Shigaraki's expression quickly changed from nervous to excited. "H-how did you know I loved spicy Ramen?" He asked surprised. I simply smiled.

"Lucky guess."

Special thanks to these beans and NO I WONT STOP TAGGING TOU.

-ANGELYIKS WyvernApocalypse Boo_po Star_Helen34 ablossxm 🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
(You know I'm never gunna stop tagging you people until I die. And idc if I already tagged u ima keep tagging bakas ILYSM) 😔👉👈💕

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