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"Help! Help!"

Shouts of people filled the air. Men were holding their swords. Women and children run away.

A little boy was being carried by his mother to a safe place. The little boy was curious and confused on what and why was this happening.

"Mom, what's happening?", the little boy asked.
"Son, he's here. We must stay here... Especially you.", she whispered to the bewildered child.
"Who is 'he'?", he asked once more.
"He was a Demon. A very powerful one. He was the King of the Nether. He has come here to destroy.", she explained to her son.
"But, why? Why is he destroying?", the boy asked again.
"I dunno, son. He was evil. And he will destroy everything he sees. So, stay here, okay? I need to find your Dad...", she whispered. Drawing out her sword, she gave his son a kiss on his forehead, and ran away, leaving the child confused.

The boy watched in a distance. He gasped, horrified, at what he saw...

Craters here... Fire there... The whole village was in total chaos and destruction. Dead bodies scattered around, blood pooling over the grass. The little boy cried in fear, and he wanted to be with his family once more.

He, then, ran away, disobeying his mother's wish.

"MOM!!! DAD!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?", the child cried, looking for his parents.

Then, he saw the villagers, dead, their blood splattered all around the houses. The air was filled with smoke, and the smell of charred flesh filled the child's nose, causing him to nauseate at the surroundings. He looked around, as he constantly stepped on blood,and dead human bodies. Tears started to fall down, as he saw the village being engulfed in flames. He looked around hopelessly.



A Demon's laugh can be heared. Although not as scary and demonic that it seemed, he knew that it was him.

The Demon King.

He looked up, and saw a man, wearing a sky blue shirt, with a pair of violet pants, and a pair of gray combat shoes. He was standing on top of the tallest building in the village, holding a diamond pickaxe, gleaming and sparking in power. He stared at him, soulless, evil, and empty eyes sending chills down the child's spine.

Then he disappeared in a puff of violet particles.

The child looked around, afraid for his life.

Then suddenly, the Demon grabbed his shirt's collar, raising him off the ground. His thin, dark brown beard was noticeable in close-up. The Demon gave him a cold and evil smirk.

A smirk of victory.

"Found you, little child!", the Demon sneered, his smirk become wider and wider, exposing his short, sharp fangs. He raised his pickaxe, ready to give the child the finishing blow.

But he was stopped by a sword.

The Demon looked sideways, to his left. He gritted his teeth when he saw the one who did it.

A bald man, wearing a simple brown shirt, and a gray pair of pants. He had black eyes, and long beard. He had a pair of black shoes. His black eyes stared directly at the Demon's white and soulless eyes.

"Let him go, Herobrine.", the bald man hissed at the Demon. The Demon growled at him.
"Why should I?", he asked savagely.
"For he is innocent. He doesn't have anything to do with your anger.", the bald man explained.
The Demon rolled his eyes, although it wasn't obvious.
"I will come back, Notch, I will come back. I shall give no mercy to anyone I see!", the Demon growled venomously as he disappeared in a puff of pixelly, violet particles.

The little boy looked at the bald man.

"Th-thank y-you... Sir...", the little boy stuttered, tears starting to fall down his cheeks.
"Don't worry, my child. I will bring you to my home. But first, we shall fix this village.", he said. The child just nodded, hope starting to rise.

He was going to see his parents once more. He will hug them once more.

Then, they went around the village, looking at the desolate scene.

Bodies mangled and lifeless. Blood spilling to the floor, creating a red pool of coldness. The village was reduced to ashes. Smoke and the smell of charred flesh filled the cold, desolate air. The little child looked around, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Then, his eyes spotted something... Something that broke his heart.

His parents, lying in the pool of their own blood.

The child cried, running towards the mangled and bloody bodies. He hugged them, tears spilling to their bodies.

"Mom! Dad!", he cried, burying his face to his parents' bodies. The bald man approached him.

"My child. I know what it feels to lose your parents.", he said, caressing the child's hair. The child looked at the man with his beady, ocean-blue eyes, tears rolling down to his cheeks. He hugged the stranger, knowing that he was a kind man.
"I will take you to my home.", he said.
The child nodded, and went with him to his house.

===At the Man's House===

"What's your name, child?", the man asked. The child looked at his eyes directly.
"My name is Steve...", he whispered, bowing his head.
"What a nice name you had.", the man said, smiling. The child, Steve, gaped at him.
"Thanks, Sir...", he muttered shyly.
"By the way, my name is Notch.", the man, now he knew as Notch, introduced.
"Nice to meet you, Notch...", Steve said, smiling.

Then, he remembered the village where he came from.

Anger and desire for revenge.

He was rather too young for this; he was just six years old.

"Who is that Demon?", he asked, anger evident in his voice.
Notch was taken aback by his question. He sighed, bowing his head.
"His name is Herobrine. He was the king of all Demons, and was the Nether Lord. He was my step-brother.", Notch answered.
"Why is he doing this?", Steve asked, furious.
"He was angry at me. He wanted to destroy everything. He wanted revenge.", he said.
"For what?", the child asked again.
"Because... I left him at his father's house for years.", Notch said, trailing off, regret on his voice.

Steve gritted his teeth, and growled angrily.

"That... Is not... An acceptable alibi!", he hissed venomously, his voice raising at the last part. His face was full of anger.

Notch was taken aback.

"He must pay for it all! I will make him suffer! He will plead for his life! I will torture him! I will kill him. NO MERCY!", Steve hissed.

Notch was amazed at this child's blazing heart and desire for revenge.

The child stared at the floor, his breathing shallow and unsteady.

"He shall pay... He... Shall... Pay...".

I am Yours, Master (A Steve x Abused Herobrine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now